Review of Status of Rural Health Infrastructure in the Country and Underlying Issues Infrastructure Division Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Introduction The Primary Health Care Infrastructure - developed as a three tier system Sub Centre, Primary Health Centre (PHC) and Community Health Centre (CHC) - the three pillars of Primary Health Care System
Bulletin on Rural Health Statistics Primary Health Care - one of the priority areas of concern for the planners and policy makers Ministry regularly compiling and disseminating information on rural health care services Bulletin on Rural Health Statistics Based on data received from States / UTs Quarterly Progress Report on Rural Health Schemes
Strengthening of the Rural Health Care Infrastructure One of the important interventions stressed and emphasized by National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) To monitor the outcome of various programmes undertaken and new programmes proposed
Latest information about health care infrastructure - imperative for formulation of effective policies and programmes Information to be available at state as well as local government level Relevance and importance of reliable and up-to-date statistics on rural health care services increased manifolds
The Statistics (As on March, 2006)
Current Requirement and Shortfall
Building Scenario
Manpower Issues Existing manpower - an important prerequisite for efficient functioning of Rural Health Infrastructure Issues Shortfall as compared to requirement based on existing infrastructure (ignoring excess in some states) Vacancies even in sanctioned posts
Status of Facilities Available
New Items of Information incorporated in QPR on RHS based on new initiatives under NRHM & RCH-II Number of Districts where the scheme of ASHA has been implemented District-wise number of Villages where ASHA is functioning Number of PHCs providing 24 hour service
Number of AYUSH Doctors, if any, in these 24 Hours PHCs Number of PHCs with two doctors including AYUSH practitioner Number of CHCs upgraded as First Referral Units (FRUs)
Number of CHCs / FRUs having a Rogi Kalyan Samity / Hospital Management Society Number of SCs/PHCs/CHCs having a regular supply of generic drugs (both AYUSH & Allopathic) for common ailments Number of districts having a Mobile Medical Unit
Number of PHCs/CHCs providing 24 hours delivery services Number of PHCs/CHCs having a post of computor/statistical assistant for proper MIS Number of FRUs available in the State Number of FRUs having blood storage facilities
Number of Sub Centres / PHCs/ CHCs having the facility of referral transport available Position of rural health infrastructure, manpower and building position in the tribal areas separately
Manpower Additional ANMs Consultants (Maternal Health) at PHC / CHC level Anesthetists (Case to case basis) Contractual Consultants at State & District Level (MIS, Finance, Programme Manager)
Issues (A). Review of the existing proforma for Rural Health Statistics (B). Timely reporting of the up-to-date data in the prescribed proforma (C). Consistency and completeness of data as per the instructions in the proforma