Enabling Learning & Performance Analytics with xAPI Hi, I’m Mike I want to talk about big shifts and big opportunities in L&D that are happening Lots of new things are suddenly possible. Some big and lofty but also some big wins for small steps forward. Mike Rustici Founder & CEO Watershed @mikerustici
“Scalable learning is the new reason for large organizations to exist” John Hagel Founder Deloitte Center for the Edge Innovation @WatershedLRS
“Without data you’re just another person with an opinion” W Edward Deming Management Systems Legend @WatershedLRS
xAPI is to learning technologies what USB is to electronic devices USB is a technical specification that makes it easier and cheaper to connect electronic devices. With USB, you normally need a computer to connect devices to. xAPI is a technical specification that makes it easier and cheaper to connect learning technologies. With xAPI you need a Learning Record Store (LRS). xAPI
marketing learning More tools More data Analytics @WatershedLRS Marketing analogy Marketing went through this same transition over the past 20 years and we’re seeing the same thing happen in learning (summary of this article) More tools More data Missing piece is analytics More tools More data Analytics @WatershedLRS
xAPI & learning analytics platform all data Learning is so much bigger than the LMS. Track informal and experiential activities. xAPI and the LRS present a transformative technology for learning analytics. Seamlessly bring all your data together in one platform and perform real-time analytics tailor made for L&D. xAPI is enabling this transition in learning, just like marketing It’s all about removing friction Removing just a little bit of friction has a big impact Apple design methodology Kirkpatrick model has been around since 1954, but how much of it are we using. Remember, when we asked people why they aren’t doing more learning analytics, one of the chief responses was “it’s too hard” That is changing, the friction is disappearing and that will have a profound impact. business impact Include data about behaviors and performance in your learning analytics real time Create, view and distribute reports seamlessly in real-time. @WatershedLRS
Understanding learning analytics: Complexity advanced evaluation predictive and prescriptive measurement evaluation The simple act of tracking things and recording values. Can be passively or actively collected. The process of trying to make meaning from the data measured. Descriptive analytics. Does the data mean something “good” or “bad”? When data sets get large enough we can use advanced evaluation techniques to discover powerful insights. Data mining, AI, machine learning, etc. Make predictions and decisions based on data and advanced algorithms. Recommendation engines are the best example of this in learning. @WatershedLRS
Understanding learning analytics: Categories Learning Experience Learner Learning Program Understand more about a specific learning activity. Maximize effectiveness and spot problems. Understand a learner or group of learners. Ensure organizational readiness and compliance. Understand an overall learning program. Is this initiative helping to meet business objectives? @WatershedLRS
© Watershed Systems, Inc 2018 Learning Analytics Once you’ve straightened out your learning design, you can start thinking about learning analytics. This diagram is something we created at Watershed to help think about different categories and levels of learning analytics. You can think of learning analytics from the perspectives of a particular learning experience, of a learner of group of learners, or of a learning program where a group of learners work through a collection of resources and experiences. Within each of those categories, you can do anything from simple measurement of what’s happening right up to complex predictive and prescriptive analytics. This can also be seen as a maturity model and we encourage people to start with measurement in just one category and get value from that, before expanding into other categories or moving outwards in the triangle. So how do you get started? © Watershed Systems, Inc 2018
Five xAPI case studies presented by real pracitioners Visit xAPIxAPRIL.com to register & view