Charter and Voucher Schools-
Charter Schools- Are public schools operating under a “charter,” essentially a contract entered into between the school and its authorizing agency. In addition to allowing the school to open, the charter allows the school with significant operational autonomy to pursue specific educational objectives Parents apply to attend No tuition can be charged Charter schools are not exempt from federal laws that cover equal rights. access, and discrimination. 42 states have charter schools- all w/different rules.
Betsy DeVoss- Current Sec. of Education- Billionaire backer of voucher schools Does not support public Educations BIG proponent of School Choice. Discrimination?
History 1980’s- MN perfected Last 5 yrs 6% increase in # to over 7,000 C.S. Since ‘94 USFG spent $4billion on C.S. ’16- $333 million for C.S. C.S. take different forms- like STEM or Prior drop outs.
Policies/Rules Must be non-discriminatory in admissions Serve all students including those with disabilities Partake in their state's testing and accountability systems Authorizer- agencies that grant the “charter” in response to request Ensure standards are met
Why Charter/Vouchers- Believes that competition and choice increases the quality of education
Why Charter Schools? Charter students overall perform better in math and reading (4 of 5 studies) Low-income charter students perform better in math (all 5 studies) and reading (4 of 5 studies) Urban charter students perform better (5 of 5 studies) whereas non- urban charter students perform worse (2 of 2 studies) Charter students with low prior achievement perform better (2 of 3 studies) Minority charter students perform better (3 of 3 studies) Limited evidence that ELs and students with disabilities in charter schools perform better (only 1 study) No impact on student behavior (2 of 2 studies
Unions beef with Charter- National Education Association opposes charts due to many not allowing teachers to unionize. View C.S. as stealing funds from public school
Neg Arguments- Privately run Some for profit Makes public schools compete for students w/different rules. Can hire and fire teachers as they see fit Do NOT follow all the same federal regulations Expel, suspend, don’t provide sped services. More segregated Funding Trade off- public schools get less. Brain Drain
Voucher School- -gov. money supporting religious education Allows parents to use public funds to pay for some or all of their child’s private school tuition. -gov. money supporting religious education Started in ‘91 12 states and DC have vouchers
Negative Public School is superior! Academic achievement is not improved Studies are flawed showing their success. Racial inequality Public School is superior! Vouchers are underway now- so no need for it. Can Discriminate against students Voucher schools undermine accountability Turn into profit schools NO Accountability- system wrought with problems of Charter Schools.
If increasing Regulation- You can say Charter/Voucher schools are great!!! It is basically saying why do we need regulation when they are excelling!! DO NOT RUN W/ Arguments that say Charters/Vouchers are inherently wrong.