Welcome to the 1st Webinar on Environmental Law Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018 at 13:00 CET Please mute your microphone (computer or phone) Please type any questions or comments into the chat box during the presentation If you are experiencing any connections issues, please contact through the chat box or send an email to Monica Pacheco-Fabig at Monica.Pacheco-Fabig@iucn.org
Participating countries Ghana Guyana Suriname Uganda
Introduction and overview Monica Fabig/Lorena Martinez Time Agenda Led by 13:00-14:10 Introduction and overview Monica Fabig/Lorena Martinez 14:10-14:25 Online course on Law Enforcement Lydia Slobodian 14:25-14:35 ECOLEX (www.ecolex.org) Monica Fabig 14:35-14:55 Questions and Answers 14:55-15:00 Summary
Environmental Law Centre (ELC) Established in 1970 in Bonn, Germany Outposted unit of IUCN Headquarters Staffed by 12 legal and information specialists Management Unit of ECOLEX-the gateway to environmental law Environmental Law Library
ELC‘s main areas of work Valuing and conserving nature Information/knowledge managment Species Protected Areas Integrated Planning and Land-use Water Marine IUCN Natural Resource Governance Framework Access and Benefit Sharing Climate change adaptation Effective and equitable governance of natural resources Deploying nature-based solutions to global societal challenges
Four Approaches Information management & dissemination Conceptual development of environmental law Training & capacity building Technical legal assistance Information Knowledge Action
SRJS: Environmental Law 2018 February 1st webinar February-April online course on Law Enforcement April 2nd webinar Modules on specific themes (e.g. forest, protected areas, climate change, rights) In preparation face-to-face training
Law enforcement 1.2 What is law? Lydia Slobodian – IUCN Environmental Law Center – Bonn (Germany)
What is law? Human conduct Binding Public authority
What is law? CONSERVATION People Government Businesses, organizations State budgets Families & individuals CONSERVATION
Law and conservation Law = basic framework for conservation + processes for decision-making, planning and management.
Law provides direct tools for conservation Law and conservation Law provides direct tools for conservation Restrictions Requirements Incentives
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Laws governing ecosystems,
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Laws governing ecosystems, Laws governing sectors,
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Laws governing ecosystems, Laws governing sectors, Protected area, biodiversity and framework laws.
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Indigenous rights, Community rights, Other rights related to the environment.
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Addressing harmful activities, Land use, property and tax, Trade laws, Criminal laws.
Law and conservation Important laws for conservation: Defining government structure, Creating processes for decision-making, Establishing procedures for resolving disputes.
SRJS: Environmental Law 2018 http://papaco
the gateway to environmental law www.ecolex.org
Sustainable partnership / sustainable portal 3 organizations 3 platforms 5 data sets
ECOLEX offers Dynamic navigation and a responsive search experience Trilingual user friendly interface Worldwide access free of charge
ECOLEX covers
ECOLEX can help you to find out what are the laws and regulations in place for a given country what environmental related case law exists in your country who are the participants of a given international agreement and which are their obligations
Search 1 How does a country address “climate change adaptation” in the legal system
Search string „climate change adaptation“ (in top search bar) + select one or more data sets
Example – national legislation on “climate change adaptation“– Tanzania
SEARCH 2 What are the court decisions related to wildlife
Search for subject „Wild Species and ecosystems“ in Court Decisions Example – Uganda
SEARCH 3 How do countries address mining?
Search in Common filters by keyword “mining“ + country Guyana
Example – National legislation on mining – Guyana
SEARCH 4 Is there any literature available on traditional rights and forest conservation
Search Keyword „traditional rights/customary rights“ + subject „Forestry“ – Example literature
SEARCH 5 What are the international agreements adopted in 2015/2016
Search Treaties adopted 2015/2016
Example – Treaty (incl. participants information & map) and Treaty decision 2015/2016
visit www.ecolex.org THANK YOU!