JUNTOS Culver Middle School Introduce yourself and what you will talk about. Culver Middle School
How the program impacts families in the way they communicate and engage with the school system. Encourages families to look ahead with the students postsecondary choices. Promotes positive social and emotional growth with culturally relevant lessons. Describe what you will present – in a word, a photo, a question, or a short phrase. What will the audience take away from your presentation?
Oregon is confronting statewide challenges in educational attainment and serving Latino communities. Although Latinos in Oregon have experienced improvements in educational outcomes including high school completion and college enrollment in recent years, these challenges often manifest as disparities for Latino students. Latino adults in Oregon are more likely to have less than a high school diploma and are less likely to have a bachelor’s or graduate degree than their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Referenced: 2016-2017 OSU Open Campus Evaluation Report for Family Ford Foundation.
1.) Making Education a Family Goal 2.) Effective Communication at Home Middle School Cohort Informational night + 5 week session 1.) Making Education a Family Goal 2.) Effective Communication at Home 3.) From Middle school to High School 4.) From High School to Higher Education 5.) Graduation: Ready to be a Successful Student Give some key details: describe who, what, where, when, why, how. Have each of these be a separate slide as necessary – simply duplicate this slide as necessary!
Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use http://search.creativecommons.org/ to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Source name or link
Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use http://search.creativecommons.org/ to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Source name or link
Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use http://search.creativecommons.org/ to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Source name or link
Provide some data with measurable objectives outcomes.
Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use http://search.creativecommons.org/ to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Source name or link