The Future of Local Government 2014 Summit
10 Years of FOLG (LG continues to do great things, very innovative) FOLG: what has been achieved? Talk, inspiration and ? This is not easy and it needs leadership 4 year Council plans = business as usual But, there is hope! Champions are emerging So, a decision has been taken...
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead Assume we are that small group
FOLG background LG is the most complex service business on earth: 150 LG is too busy reacting and regulating to be strategic, so other levels of Govt. make all the big decisions (BAU)
Now, LG is at the crossroads The perfect storm or the perfect opportunity ? LG has always been, and is, the poor relation of the public sector. Almost an afterthought. Many Councils have real issues re financial sustainability: struggling to deliver, skills loss 2 speed LG economy (rich and poor) Councils are still doing things their own way = duplication and waste turbulent change as we rush towards the Digital Society and Digital Government with an ageing population the public sector pursues reform: do more with less more change in the next 5-10 years than in the last 30 years
The perfect storm Increasing complexity: governments cant solve major problems anymore: – Eg. climate change, obesity: need collaborative stakeholder commitment on many fronts Open government: State departments dont like to share information Citizens are demanding to be involved in decision-making, to have influence by 2020 millenials will form ~50% of the workforce
The internet of everything 1990s-2000: the internet will change everything As if! Well, it has and we aint seen nothin yet! Almost every organisation is re-thinking their business model and transforming service delivery strategies (which cloud?) World is transforming into a networked, collaborative society Next 5-10 years: the Internet of Everything – Network of networks – Linking people, processes, data and things – Gov 2.0: putting government in the hands of citizens with infrastructure platforms, open data – Will redefine government: community-based leadership emerging Does LG have a game plan? Is it in any plan? Is this a threat or an opportunity
The Future of public services Existing public services are fragmented: do not address local needs 19 th century Government/Council silos will be replaced by collaborative, joined-up government in the cloud: better connecting people and services We are experiencing a sea-change in the way people expect to interact with service providers Commonwealth and State Govts are planning for Digital Government but LG needs to be included in whole of government planning What about LG? We need a game plan: we need to be at the table They should be saying: we cant do it without LG What are they saying? Were planning our system: well may give you a pipe= opportunity for LG to lead (or be the dinosaur facing?)
The role of government in the Digital Society of 2025 Key issue: How can governments make use of all the people, with all the information and knowledge available to them, with a few mouse clicks? Answer: Open up. Government as a platform. Provide a platform for users to add value. Let users innovate and add value. Put citizens/communities at the heart of everything: identify and meet their needs (LG wins through knowledge)
Transforming into Society Networks of networks Now
Transforming into Society Citizens Networks of networks Now Networks Now Local
Transforming into Society Citizens Government Networks of networks Now Networks Now Local Move from silos to citizen-centric joined up government (seamless)
Transforming into Society Citizens Government – Local Govt. Networks of networks Now Networks Now Local Move from silos to citizen-centric joined up government (seamless) Facilitates/brokers local outcomes Source of most public sector info Leader or lagger? Councils of the Future plan the plan Major change management challenge
LG current Communities/citizens expectations are rising rapidly (24x7 and NOW and co-design) - but disengaged communities Most Councils cant fund their infrastructure backlog Most Councils struggling to deliver services Councils continue to do things 560/79 times: duplication Commonwealth funding for LG is reducing Most Councils cant scale the Digital Divide – Individual Councils dont have the resources to leverage the benefits of technology Councils are rapidly losing skills and knowledge Councils continue to expand the scope of their services
The challenge is to respond ahead of the curve If local government dont respond other levels of government will –and hasnt that always been the issue?
Hmmm….so, what can we do? LG has a fundamental choice 1.Business as Usual (= road to intervention) OR 2.Councils of the Future: plan to transform LG service delivery with a new business model based on collaboration and innovation
Choice LG takes control of its own destiny OR Waits for intervention (others will decide) In the new world order, the winner is Knowledge, Planning, Innovation, Collaboration
Heres the thing State and Federal Governments are planning for Digital Government (Victoria: 1 pipe for LG) When LG does nothing, others will decide. LG will then – complain – react – report – shave costs, fine tune BUT, when LG leads, others follow
Heres the thing We know what the future looks like The internet is changing everything We ARE moving to a networked society & and networked Government Everything will be connected: the internet of everything Online channels/one stop shops One consistent answer for citizens, no matter where they go to ask their question Note: most public sector information is sourced from local government but….
Duplication & waste & confusion Councils applying for silo grants (hundreds pa) Councils responding to hundreds of requests for information pa (x 100+ functions) Standalone systems all over Council (not integrated): Mrs Browns husband dies/ I cant find /….. No network planning for infrastructure LG systems not linked to State and Federal systems: no tracking
Is LG up for the challenge? We know what the future looks like We know what to do We just need to get ourselves organised and do it Leadership required (from who?)
LG inspiration: going for it…..leading UK Local Government Association: – 2005 vision for LG: independent, self-governing communities (LG playing brokering role) – 2013:Rewiring Public Services FutureGov: transformative projects Martin Gaffer, CEO, CityTown Council (UK) NYC Digital Roadmap & Reinvent NYC.Gov (Cloud first) 2013: South Australian LGA Expert Panel: Strengthening SA Communities in a Changing World 2013: Canadas Public Policy Forum: Flat, Flexible and Forward Thinking: Public Service Next Australia: GovCloud, Swift, Patchwork, WBC Alliance
Next steps Lighthouse projects (happening) A local government cloud platform (happening) Councils of the Future agree to plan for the plan Plenty of roundtables to establish agreed data standards, frameworks And a bit less of the mouse
Road to Digital Government Starting point – Cloud platform (eg. GovCloud) Dont build a dead end cloud Needs to be open and contestable – Consistent data frameworks Tim Berners Lee: open linked data for a global community Examples: – Roads: regional planning and priorities on network basis – Starting point: consistent data frameworks
Big cultural shifts Now Council knows best Each Council does its own thing: standalone systems We need to reform LG Local Government is not local any more Collaboration means loss of identity Future Citizen can add value LG cloud environment: no in-house syetems LG is leading LG can address individual citizens needs Collaboration is the key to independent Cou
Counter-intuitive The more Councils collaborate The more capable they become The more they can do to meet the needs of their communities and citizens The more they will retain their independence and identity
Next steps LG Strategic Planning Group (nominations open) – Plan the Plan Councils of the Future (self nominated) – Review the Plan – Implement stage 1 Identify The Better Way for the public sector: – Reform: funding, structure and strategy changes – advocate and lobby