CAT 2 Investigating Water Scarcity Section 3 Collecting, recording and evaluating data.
There is a space to do both of these in your booklet Recording data Now its time to conduct your research. You must use a variety of sources DO NOT just use internet resources. You need to record the details of the sources you use You must evaluate your source. Is it reliable? There is a space to do both of these in your booklet
Checklist A research checklist has been provided for you on the HASS (S&E) website. Make sure you use it as you conduct your research so you don’t miss anything!
Focus Questions You must refer to your focus questions to keep you on track. You could categorize your research based on focus areas as you go using different colours for: Geographical Processes Impacts Management
Maps, Charts and Graphs You must include maps, charts and graphs similar to the ones we have looked at in class. You must include: 2 graphs/charts that help explain you research. One of these must be created by you. For example: you might chose to create a bar chart showing monthly rainfall. You need a map showing the location of your country You need a special purpose map.
Special Purpose Map A map that shows specific information usually on a single topic.