CEPEJ IN TURKEY Ismail Aksel CEPEJ Member of Turkey
Presentation Plan Judicial Reform in Turkey and CEPEJ - Judicial Reform Strategy - Strategic Plans of Judicial Institutions CEPEJ Activities in Turkey - New Website for the CEPEJ Activities - Translation of the CEPEJ Reports - Coordination Board for the CEPEJ SATURN Project in Turkey
Basic Policy Documents Judicial Reform Strategy Strategic plans of judicial institutions
Judicial Reform Strategy Basic policy document prepared in the process of the accession negotiations between Turkey and the EU and put into force in 2010. Objectives and goals cover all aspects of the judiciary in Turkey. Covers the responsible agencies and necessary budget.
Strategic Plans of Judicial Institutions All judicial institutions are responsible for preparing a strategic plan. These plans should be prepared in accordance with the Judicial Reform Strategy. They should include necessary budget.
The Influence of the CEPEJ Reports STAGE-1: Preparation STAGE-2: Implementation STAGE-2: Evaluation
Preparation of Reform Documents in the Light of the CEPEJ The data provided by the CEPEJ Reports have been used as basis.
The Data from CEPEJ Reports in Strategic Plans 8 Tables from CEPEJ Reports have been used in the Strategic Plan of the MoJ. 6 Tables from CEPEJ Reports have been used in the Strategic Plan of the HCJP. 9
Budget of Judicial Institutions Total public budget allocated to the judicial system per inhabitant; 11,0 € in 2008 (2010 CEPEJ Report) 7,0 € in 2006 (2008 CEPEJ Report) 4,7 € in 2004 (2006 CEPEJ Report)
Budget of Judicial System Increasing the budget of judicial institutions was one of the most important factors for the judicial reform. - In 2012 Report: 17,0 €
Budget of Judicial System 2004 333.217.760 € 2006 522.486.820 € 2008 786.503.133 € 2010 €
Human Resources Human resources of judiciary was also a problem before the reform. Judges Public Prosecutors 2004 5.304 3.006 2006 6.593 3.936 2008 7.198 4.222 2010 7.727 4.241
Human Resources In the Judicial Reform Strategy, (Goal 3.4) … increasing quantity of judges, public prosecutors and judicial staff to a sufficient level. In the Strategic Plan of the MoJ, (Goal 2.1) Until the end of 2014, taking international standards into consideration, the number of personnel in judiciary will be increased.
Human Resources In 2013: Judges: 8.623 Prosecutors: 4.549
New Website for the CEPEJ Activities A special website has become operational for the CEPEJ’ activities in Turkey. Purposes - to announce activities, - to raise awareness, - to provide materials,
Translation of the CEPEJ Reports European judicial systems Edition 2012 (data 2010) (translated and but not published yet) Edition 2010 (data 2008) (translated and published) Edition 2008 (data 2006)
Coordination Board for the CEPEJ The Coordination Board for the CEPEJ has been established for more effective coordination among judicial institutions.
Coordination Board for the CEPEJ The Coordination Board for the CEPEJ consists of the representatives from; The Ministry of Justice The High Council of Judges and Prosecutors The Court of Cassation The Council of State The Justice Academy The secretariat of the Board is carried out by the Ministry of Justice (CEPEJ Member).
Turkey has taken part in SATURN Project Three pilot courts will take part in the Project; - Administrative Court in Ankara, - Civil and Criminal Court in Erzurum, - Civil and Criminal Court in Amasya,
Turkey has taken part in SATURN Project Main activities; - Several meetings in Ankara, - A meeting in Erzurum, - Study visits to Ankara, Amasya and Erzurum Courthouses was planned.
Turkey has taken part in SATURN Project Next steps for SATURN; - Collecting data from the pilot courts will start at the beginning of September, - At the end of the 12-month period a report will be issued on time management for administrative, criminal and civil cases. - Systematic implementation for all courts will start in 2015.
SATURN Project is Included in the New Draft for the Judicial Reform Strategy A draft to update the Judicial Reform Strategy has been prepared. SATURN Project has been included in this new draft as follows: - Goal 10.5 The efforts for structural and practical improvement, including the development of a judicial time management system, will continue in order to eliminate the problem of excessive length of trials. Remarks: In addition to other structural and practical measures, activities for implementing the judicial time management tools of the SATURN Project of the CEPEJ will be followed up.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION İsmail Aksel ismail.aksel@adalet.gov.tr