Baoua Issoufou, CILSS/AGRHYMET Food and Nutrition situation in the Sahel and West Africa March – May 2018 & June – Auguts 2018 Baoua Issoufou, CILSS/AGRHYMET
2. Point on existing data required by CH process
2. Existing data on Contributing factors required by CH process Pays Dangers et vulnérabilité Disponibilité Accès aux aliments Utilisation des aliments Sécurité Civile, inondation, feux de brousse autres Anomalie de Pluviométrie Accès aux ressources pastorales Production agricole ICN, Bilan fourrager Stock ménage Variation des prix Distance Marché, flux TDE Accès à l'eau potable , MDO, SD/Nut Bénin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Gambie, Cap Vert Burkina Faso Guinée Guinée Bissau Libéria Mali Mauritanie Niger Nigéria Sénégal Sierra Léone Tchad Togo
Analyzed Zones in the 17 countries March – May 2018 cycle 15 countries October - December 2017 cycle17 countries Not concerned countries: Liberia & Sierra Leone in absence of reliable data but confirmation of the projection done in October 2017 for the lean season 2018
Resultats Une situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle en détérioration sévère par endroits dans la bande sahélienne
March – May 2018 Area under crisis Food Insecurity situation during the current period: Lake Chad Bassin Liptako Gourma zone Sahel zone in Chad Cabo Verde
June – August 2018 Area under crisis Food Insecurity situation during the projected period: Lake Chad Bassin Liptako Gourma zone Sahelian zone in Chad South Mauritania Northern – East Senegal Cabo Verde
June-August 2017 March– May 2017 June-August 2018 March– May 2018 June-August 2018
Period : March – May 2018
Period : June – August 2018
Population estimation in phase 3 to 5 Population estimation in phase 2 Attention should be given to the population under pressure in all the 17 countries in building their resilience capacities and protecting the Livelihood asset Population estimation in phase 3 to 5 Population estimation in phase 2 10,6 million people under crisis and emergency situation during the lean season
Funded et Technical partners