Feedback on the marine Natura 2000 biogeographical seminar


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback on the marine Natura 2000 biogeographical seminar Laurent ROY Director for water and biodiversity French ministry for ecology, sustainable development and energy

Main features Organization : French Ministry of Ecology and the European Commission, with the support of the French Marine Protected Areas Agency 5th to 7th of May, at Saint-Malo (Channel area) 150 participants from most of the 23 Member States with marine territories and regional organizations Objectives : Identify ways to better share experience and management practices Enhance co-operation, at different territorial levels, between various public policies etc.

Next steps Comprehensive report before summer holidays on the Natura 2000 platform Synthesis and video

Conservation objectives Natura 2000 objectives vs marine activities Some feedback (1/2) Why? What? Conservation objectives Insufficient specific knowledge relative to Marine N2000 features and to pressures on these features European guide for the management of marine Natura 2000 sites Expert workshops on Annex I habitats units/subdivision : guidelines to standardise methodologies for data collection Further document case studies on conservation objectives Scientific workshops on sensitivity, cumulative effects, indicators Natura 2000 objectives vs marine activities Fragmentation between implementation of ND, WD, MSFD, and MSPD MSPD as an opportunity to address conservation issues in an integrated manner Lack of preparedness to propose environmentally relevant CFP measures Incentivise joint work of fisheries and nature authorities Reflexion about equipping fishing boats with VMS or similar GPS tracking devices

Some feedback (2/2) Keep the momentum of this kick-off seminar ! Why ? What? Regional integration Insufficient funding to ensure effective management of the sites Develop further guidance for using EU finding for site managers Adapt eligibility criteria to match the needs of marine measures Make better use of PAFs MEG to work on financing Improve stakeholder involvement Make better use of existing fora Keep the momentum of this kick-off seminar !