Register: what makes an army ‘prepared’? Say what you see! Context of the American Civil War
By the end of this week, everybody will be able to OUTLINE the battles in the American Civil War between 1861-2 ANALYSE key debates surrounding the American Civil War 1861-2 EVALUATE who had the best army in the early stages of the American Civil War
American Civil War 1861-1862
Antietam: a turning point? Emancipation Proclamation ‘No other campaign and battle in the war had such momentous, multiple consequences as Antietam.’ Emancipation Proclamation Britain and France won’t recognise the Confederacy Bloodiest Battle (scale) McClellan’s removal Ended Lee’s Strategic invasion
What makes a ‘good’ general? George B. McClellan ‘Probably no soldier who did so little fighting has ever had his qualities as a commander so minutely, and we may add, so fiercely discussed’ What makes a ‘good’ general? Use p.154 and your knowledge of the battles we have just studied to list arguments for and against McClellan being a ‘good’ General.
Armed mobs First modern war Pp.147-148 Pp.148-149 & 152 Vs. 1 point for giving a reason 2 points for explaining why your reason 2 points if you use an example/evidence to back up your points 3 points if you can link your reason, to a previous reason 3 points if you argue that a point the other side has made is wrong -2 points if you do not talk Armed mobs Pp.147-148 Vs. First modern war Pp.148-149 & 152
Who had the best army in the early stages of the war: Confederacy or Union? Confederates were winning in Virginia; the Union were winning in the West
Eastern and Western Theatres of war East: Virginnia, W.Virginnia, Maryland and Pensylvannia West: Alabama, Georgia, N/S Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee