President Theodore Roosevelt and Modern America


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Presentation transcript:

President Theodore Roosevelt and Modern America A New Conservatism: President Theodore Roosevelt and Modern America

President Theodore Roosevelt Ascended to the Presidency upon the assassination of President William McKinley Youngest man ever to serve as President (43 yrs old)

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Sickly child Drove himself in a rigorous activity schedule to combat his illnesses Home schooled’ taught himself science, history, zoology, and literature Married twice First wife Ann died after childbirth Second marriage to future First Lady Edith Roosevelt

Public Service New York City Police Commissioner New York State Assemblyman Colonel, United States Army Governor of New York Assistant Secretary of the Navy Vice-President of the United States President of the United States

“The Square Deal” Roosevelt’s Domestic Policy Three basic ideas: Every person would be treated fairly and taken care of equitably under Roosevelt’s Administration Foundation of his two-term Presidency Three basic ideas: Conservation of the natural environment Regulation of corporations Consumer protection

“Speak softly, and carry a big stick…” Roosevelt’s foreign policy Negotiate quietly, fairly, and pleasantly, but always make sure your opponent know that the threat of overwhelming force is a possibility Roosevelt’s plan for dealing with other nations Model for future Presidents Often referred to as “Big Stick” Diplomacy

Big Stick Diplomacy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy

President Roosevelt Trust Busting One of his earliest acts was to attack the giant trusts, or monopolies, that had been created by the Robber Barons Broke up the monopolies of J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, and the bully pulpit of the Presidency Oversaw the governments regulation of the food and drug industries, including meat packing plants and sales of medicines

Roosevelt the Conservationist Roosevelt was an avid hunter, hiker, outdoorsman, and adventurer Conservation of the natural environment became one of President Roosevelt’s main goals Created the National Parks System Created wildlife sanctuaries Promoted reclamation, or the process of making damaged land productive again Theodore Roosevelt standing next to an elephant that he had killed in a hunt

The Panama Canal Attempt to connect the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean United States had interests in both waterways Trip around South America took several weeks The proposed canal would reduce the trip to hours. Roosevelt is the driving force behind the Canal

The Panama Canal The Panama Canal

The Canal The French had tried and failed in the 1880s The Americans began negotiating with the Columbians for the lease of the six mile stretch of land where the canal was to be built Columbia’s government would not seal the deal with the Americans Pro-Canal rebels overthrew the government and created the country of Panama

American involvement Agreed to finance and assist the rebels Prevented the Columbians from defeating the rebels U.S.S. Nashville kept the Columbian Navy away U.S. Marines blocked the Columbian Army The United States government agreed to recognize the new nation of Panama two days after the rebellion In return for their assistance, the United States received complete and unending sovereignty over the ten mile wide canal zone (Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty)

Building the Canal Began in 1904 Many troubles Labor disputes Yellow fever Malaria Improvement of working conditions improved efficiency of the project Completed in 1914.

The Canal The Canal Today A ship traveling through the canal in 1914 Work being performed on the canal in 1908

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine established the United States’ obligation to protect interests in the Western Hemisphere The Roosevelt Corollary warned European nations that interference in Latin and Central America would not be tolerated. Many resources Europeans looking for more colonies.