Hardware & Software Developments Environment
Environment video conferencing wireless technologies reduces the need to travel = less CO2 emissions wireless technologies less need for cables which can be unsightly (& safety risk?) mobile systems require less power than desktop systems unsightly cables & masts that can be seen and ruin landscapes. mobile phone networks have potential health risks (?) sensors used to monitor the environment Modelling software can forecast what is going to happen polar ice, ocean currents, desertification, deforestation, ozone layer ….. help to prevent serious damage, injury, loss of life ….. weather could be predicted computer modelling based on rules gases emitted into atmosphere to change the pattern of undesirable weather? farmers can use sensors that detect rainfall less water required (automated sprinklers when needed)
Environment Energy usage Electronic Waste increased use of ICT systems has higher energy costs electricity needs to be generated Electronic Waste new technologies = throw away older hardware landfill dumping (> 1 million tonnes per year) poisonous components of hardware (lead, arsenic, cadmium …) leach into water Raw materials & sustainability new hardware requires manufacturing limited supply of raw materials need to recycle components Building management IT systems generate heat & require cooling energy requirements for air conditioning computer-controlled environment systems reduce energy use
Environment Health & Safety working environment? long-term effect of use of ICT at work & for leisure back-ache, eye-strain, RSI ….