ECONOMIC AND ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATIONS Title of course NACE Rev. 2 Marie-Madeleine Fuger (INSEE -France-) Gheorghe Constantinescu (INSSE -Romania-)
NACE Rev. 2 Development of NACE Rev. 2 NACE Rev. 2 is a result of the “Operation 2007 “ Operation 2007 - the revision process of the reference/central classifications, which, effectively, began in 2002. Why a revision? A classification: ► a representation of the world ► a common language ► a tool used in data production, which allows comparisons Since 1989, ISIC rev. 3 almost unchanged (slightly updated in 2002); Between 1989 – 2007, the world changed; e.g.: – “explosive” development of IT industry The next update of HS (the “building blocks” provider for ISIC), in 2007
NACE Rev. 2 Development of NACE Rev. 2 ISIC revised NACE revised Operation 2007 - a complex process which impose a strong coordination. The actors UN: • Statistical Commission (40 countries); • Technical sub-group of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications. EU: • EUROSTAT – The NACE/CPA Committee, eurostat units (statisticians); • European Central Bank – ECB; • FEBIs and FEBSs (professionals); • Associated and candidate countries (NSIs, Ministries)
NACE Rev. 2 Development of NACE Rev. 2 Operation 2007 - achievements Activities classifications: • ISIC Rev. 4 - International Standard Industrial Classification – revision 4; • NACE Rev. 2 - Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community – revision 2. Product classifications: • CPC Vers.2 - Central Product Classification – version 2; • CPA 2008 - Classification of Products by Activities – 2008. National versions of NACE Rev.2/CPA 2008
NACE Rev. 2 NACE Rev.2 Structure and coding of NACE Rev. 2 ▪ NACE Rev. 2 structure - four levels ▪ Coding system of NACE Rev.2 – alphanumerical STRUCTURE CODE ISIC Rev. 4 NACE Rev. 2 Difference Sections One letter 21 = Divisions Two digits 88 Groups Three digits 238 272 +34 Classes Four digits 419 615 +196 NOTE: the subsection level from NACE rev. 1.1 was erased from NACE Rev. 2 structure
NACE Rev. 2 Changes in NACE Rev. 2 Structural changes between NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 - Quantitative NACE Rev. 1.1 NACE Rev. 2 Difference Sections 17 21 + 4 Subsections 15 -15 Divisions 62 88 +26 Groups 224 272 +48 Classes 514 615 +101 Aggregated structures for national accounts ► High-level aggregation (A10/11): 10 or 11 categories - based on NACE sections ► Intermediate aggregation (A38): 38 categories – based on NACE divisions
NACE Rev. 2 Changes in NACE Rev. 2 ► More details 615 classes in NACE Rev. 2 instead of 514 in NACE Rev. 1.1 More details in primary sector and in services. ► Changes in the hierarchy (higher or lower) A division for ICT goods (according to the OECD definition of ICT sector); Some activities from group level to division level: Beverages, Printing and reproduction, Furniture, Pharmaceutical products; or from division level to group level Recovery / recycling. ► Changes of location (mainly out of manufacturing) Publishing, Recovery/recycling
NACE Rev. 2 Changes in NACE Rev. 2 Major changes in NACE Rev. 2 structure – section level ► « Water, sewerage, waste management, recycling and remediation activities » A grouping linked to « environment » ► « Information and communication » A grouping of all activities linked to « information » generally disseminated (Production, publishing, movies, sound, radio, television, telecommunications, Internet, IT services) ► « Real estate services, rentals and business services » split in three sections Real estate, renting and leasing Scientific, professional and technical services Support services
AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section A AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING Agriculture ▪ Many details ▪ A split perennial – non perennial crops ▪ Mixed farming unchanged, same rule - mixed activities of growing and farming, each less than 66% ▪ Support activities and post harvest crop activities - just for primary markets - a mixture of production for own account and services - seed processing for propagation ▪ Hunting and trapping - “for commercial purposes”
NACE Rev. 2 Forestry Fishing Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section A Forestry ▪ Distinction Sylviculture vs. Logging ▪ Gathering of wild non-wood products (mushrooms, berries, cork, resin, etc.) Fishing ▪ Distinction fishing vs. aquaculture (aquafarming) ▪ Distinction marine vs. freshwaters
NACE Rev. 2 MINING AND QUARRING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section B MINING AND QUARRING ▪ Peat removed, considered as a non-energetic product - with other quarrying ▪ Distinction crude petroleum vs. natural gas - probably not always easy to distinguish ▪ Salt production - processing of salt in table salt (iodised salt) considered as manufacturing ▪ Support activities separated from the corresponding extraction
NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C New divisions in section C - MANUFACTURING ► Manufacture of beverages – from group level ► Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations – from group level ► Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products – according to OECD definition for ICT sector ► Manufacture of furniture – from group level ► Repair and installation of machinery and equipment – 100% new
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of food products ▪ New class for prepared meals and dishes - boundaries problems: Meat, fish, vegetables vs. Meals and dishes ▪ Edible ice moved with the air-conditioning supply Manufacture of wearing apparel ▪ Imitation and artificial furs were removed - into the classes where are obtained, by weaving or knitting Manufacture of leather and related products ▪ Shoe parts made from other materials were removed - into the classes where are produced (e.g. wood parts in manufacture of products of wood)
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Publishing removed in the section J “Information and Communication” - not a manufacturing process Printing and reproduction of recorded media ▪ Now includes the printing “on fabrics and wearing apparel” - with one technical exception (silk printing technique) ▪ Reproduction of recorded media grouped in one class, instead of three - same process digital Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products ▪ Enlarged with: - enrichment of uranium; - ink cartridge for ball points.
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of rubber and plastic products ▪ Enlarged with:- parts of boots and shoes; - articles from the NECE Rev. 1.1 division “Other manufacturing” (e.g. rubber stamps, rubber brushes, linoleum etc) . Manufacture of basic metals ▪ Includes processing of nuclear fuel - smelting and refining of uranium Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment ▪ Includes production of weapons and ammunition - without military vehicles (tanks, fighting vehicles)
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products ▪ Structured according to OECD definition for ICT goods; ▪ A large division covering: ▫ electronic components; ▫ consumer electronics (audio and video equipment); ▫ computers and peripheral equipment; ▫ instruments for measuring, testing and navigation; ▫ electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment; ▫ communication equipment (telephone equipment, broadcasting, transmitting and GPS equipment, etc.); ▫ optical instruments and equipment; ▫ magnetic and optical media.
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of electrical equipment ▪ A series of activities were removed: - manufacture of electrical parts for motor vehicle (generators, spark plugs alternators, cable sets, etc); - manufacture of computer cables; - manufacture of electronic wiring devices (connectors, switches, etc.). Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. ▪ Enlarged with: - manufacture of office machinery (except multi-task office machinery); - manufacture of aircraft launching gear, aircraft carrier catapults; - manufacture of off-road dumping trucks; - manufacture of automatic bowling alley equipment;
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers ▪ Division complemented with: - manufacture of starting motors; - manufacture of car seats; - manufacture of electrical signalling equipment for motor vehicles; Manufacture of other transport equipment ▪ This division has been extended with: - manufacture of military fighting vehicles (tanks, amphibious vehicles); - manufacture of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and similar missiles; - manufacture of railway car seats and aircraft seats; - manufacture of baby carriages.
NACE Rev. 2 MANUFACTURING Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section C Manufacture of furniture ▪ Manufacture of seats for motor vehicles were removed; Other manufacturing ▪ A true residual division, significant reduced; Repair and installation of machinery and equipment ▪ A group covering repair and maintenance of machines and equipments – capital goods (apart from motor vehicles, computers/peripheral equipment and communication equipment); ▪ A group covering installation of industrial machinery and equipment – (apart from installation in construction - elevators, escalators, automated doors, etc.).
ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section D ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Details concerning ELECTRICITY AND GAS ▪ Electricity – different classes for transmission, distribution and trade; ▪ Gas – separate classes for distribution and trade; Note: transmission for gas means transport “through mains” . Details concerning STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY ▪ Absence of the explicit expression “hot water supply” from the class name could generate a wrong interpretation of the class content; ▪ Manufacture of edible ice has been included in this class, together with the ice for cooling purposes;
WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section E WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES ▪ A section dedicated to the activities related to environment. ▪ Distinction between “operation of irrigation canals” (here) and “operation of irrigation systems” (in agriculture). ▪ Waste collection and treatment split in two groups. - for each group a distinction between hazardous and non-hazardous ▪ Recovery and not Recycling (wording change for more precision) - one class for all types of secondary raw materials (metal and non-metal). ▪ Street sweeping and snow and ice removal were removed from remediation activities. - to the cleaning activities.
NACE Rev. 2 CONSTRUCTION Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section F ▪ Development in Construction instead of Real estate services. ▪ Civil engineering works restructured (three groups): - Transport projects (roads and railways, including tunnels and bridges); - Utility projects (pipelines, water, sewerage, electricity, communications); - Others (water projects, industrial plants, outdoor sport facilities). ▪ Construction installation, completion and finishing. - Slightly restructured; - No specific group and class for rentals of construction or demolition equipment.
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles ▪ Retail sale of automotive fuel moved to division for retail trade; ▪ Towing and road assistance moved to section “Transportation and storage” Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles ▪ Some details (requested by EU) such us: wholesale of watches and jewellery and wholesale of office furniture. Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles ▪ Details for retail trade via stalls and markets: food/beverages/tobacco, textiles/wearing apparels/leather and other goods; ▪ Repair of personal and household goods moved to section “Other services activities”.
ACCOMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section H and I TRANSPORT AND STORAGE ▪ Transport activities were structured on two criterions: - first criterion – transport modes (land, water, air); - second criterion – distinction passengers vs. freight. Note: the second criterion could generate some problems regarding the main activity of transport operators (units). ▪ Travel agencies and tour operators moved in section “Administrative and support service activities”. - these activities were “high” at division level. ACCOMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES ▪ Distinction between catering for events and for a specific period of time (usually long term contracts).
INFORMATION AND COMUNICATION NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section J INFORMATION AND COMUNICATION ▪ A totally new section grouping all activities linked to information generally disseminated, containing: Publishing activities; Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities; Programming and broadcasting activities; Telecommunications; Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; Information service activities ;
Section J: “Information and Communication” Includes: Creation and processing of information and cultural products Distribution/publishing of these product Information technology services Information and cultural products Value lies in content, not in format Protected from unlawful reproduction by copyright laws ISIC Section J is a way of defining the “Information Sector” Creation of content/information Distribution of content/information OECD has defined an “ICT Sector” Manufacture and wholesale of IT equipment We see that these definitions are different The “ICT Sector” is also available in ISIC as an alternative aggregation
Section J: “Information and Communication”
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 58: Publishing activities Publishing is: Acquisition of copyrights Making content available to public (print, electronic, etc.) Publishing is not: Creation of content Printing or other reproduction (found in division 18) This division contains most publishing activities, but not: Publishing of motion pictures (division 59) Music publishing (division 59) Broadcasting (division 60)
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 59: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities Contains activities related to: Recording Production Distribution Projection of: Motion pictures Sound master recordings (including music) Individual radio and TV programmes (“non-live content”) Also contains: Music publishing (audio and printed music) Does not contain: Broadcasting Video rental Retail sale of film productions Reproduction of recordings
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 60: Programming and broadcasting activities Special case of publishing Basically: radio and TV Distinguishing feature: programming assembling together audio/visual components into a complete daily programme. Also: production of own content, including live content The actual transmission can be carried out by the same or a different unit. But if all you do is transmission, you are classified in division 61. Being in division 60 requires that you are involved in shaping the content in some way. Programmes can be transmitted in several ways, such as over the air, by satellite, by cable or over the internet
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 61: Telecommunications This division contains activities related to provision of telecommunications “Telecommunications”: transmission of audio, video, text or other data) Units classified here are engaged in the transmission, but not in content creation If you are producing content AND broadcasting it you are in Division 60 – “Broadcasting”. If you broadcast on behalf of others, you are in Division 61 If you provide on-line content or software, you are in Division 58 or 59. If you only provide the technical means for transmitting the content, you are here. This division is broken down by type of infrastructure operated.
Section J: “Information and Communication” Review: Division 59 – 61 and radio/television- related activities To summarize this important point: Making of individual radio/TV recordings Division 59 – “Motion picture, video and television program production, sound recording and music publishing activities” Assembling of radio/TV recordings into complete daily programmes (schedules), whether or not combined with transmitting Division 60 – “Programming and broadcasting activities” Transmitting finished radio/TV daily programmes (schedules), without any involvement in the shaping of the content Division 61 – “Telecommunications”
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 62: Computer programming, consultancy and related services Provision of IT expertise Writing, modifying, testing, supporting software Planning/designing computer systems On-site computer systems management and operation Etc. Breakdown into 4 classes
Section J: “Information and Communication” Division 63: Information service activities Group Class Title 63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals 63.11 Data processing, hosting and related activities 63.12 Web portals 63.9 Other information service activities 63.91 News agency activities 63.99 Other information service activities n.e.c.
Section K Financial and insurance activities This section includes financial service activities, including insurance, reinsurance and pension funding activities and activities to support financial services. Subdivised into 3 divisions: 64 – Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding 65 - Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 66 - Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities
Section K (cont.) Mind the wording “Holding” This section also includes the activities of holding assets, such as activities of holding companies and the activities of trusts, funds and similar financial entities. 64.20 - Activities of holding companies activities of holding companies, i.e. units that hold the assets (owning controlling-levels of equity) of a group of subsidiary corporations and whose principal activity is owning the group Mind the wording “Holding” limited to holding without management if management: in professional and technical activities 64.30 - Trusts, funds and similar financial entities This class does not describes activities but units When the production of an enterprise takes place in two or more different establishments, certain ancillary activities may be carried out centrally for the benefit of all the establishments collectively. For example, the purchasing, sales, accounts, computing, maintenance or other departments of an enterprise may all be the responsibility of a head office located separately from the establishments in which the principal or secondary activities of the enterprise are carried out.
FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section K FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES ▪ Activities of holdings, without active management; ▪ Reinsurance, introduced at group and class level; ▪ More details in auxiliary activities to insurance (class level): risk and damage evaluation, agents and brokers activities, found management activities. activities of holding companies, i.e. units that hold the assets (owning controlling-levels of equity) of a group of subsidiary corporations and whose principal activity is owning the group
REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section L REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES ▪ A completely independent section, created for its dimension and importance into the System of National Accounts; Also included is the building of structures, combined with maintaining ownership or leasing of such structures. ▪ Development and selling of real estate moved to section “Construction”; Organized into 3 groups 68.1 Buying and selling of own real estate 68.2 Rental and operating of own or leased real estate 68.3 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TEHNICAL ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section M PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TEHNICAL ACTIVITIES ▪ This section is a part from the former “Business services”, grouping specialised professional, scientific and technical activities. The section cover: Legal and accounting activities; Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; ▪ including active management of holdings. Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis ; Scientific research and development; ▪ including a class for R&D in biotechnology. Advertising and market research; These activities require a high degree of training, and make specialized knowledge and skills available to users. Other professional, scientific and technical activities ; ▪ distinct classes for: “specialised design” and “translation and interpretation” . Veterinary activities ;
ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section N ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES ▪ Section covering activities that support general business operation. Rental and leasing activities ; ▪ enlarged with leasing of “non financial intangible assets”. Employment activities ; ▪ enlarged and split - three classes instead of one class. Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities ; Security and investigation activities ; ▪ enlarged with selling, installation and repair of security alarm systems in connection with later monitoring. This section includes a variety of activities that support general business operations. These activities differ from those in section M, since their primary purpose is not the transfer of specialized knowledge Renting is enlarged to “non financial intangible assets” 77.40 Services to buildings and landscape activities ; ▪ “combined” facilities support activities – a combination of support services. Office administrative, office support and other business support activities ; ▪ “combined” office administrative activities – a set of administrative services.
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE; COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section O and P PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE; COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY ▪ Section unchanged, apart from few minor content corrections. - administration of government owned or occupied buildings moved into services to buildings; - administration (maintenance and storage) of government archives moved into library and archives activities. EDUCATION ▪ The categories in this section are based on the levels of ISCED 1997; Section P describes activiyies carried out by public administration It is not based on institutional units ▪ The section has been enlarged with: - sports, recreational and cultural education; - educational support services.
HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section Q HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES ▪ Section containing three divisions instead of one; Human health activities; ▪ veterinary activities removed. Residential care activities; ▪ possible difficulties in classifying the units, depending by national legislation – hospitals vs. residential care (e.g. home-hospital for elderly) Social work activities without accommodation;
ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section R ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION ▪ Section structured in four new divisions, as follows: Creative, arts and entertainment activities; ▪ live performing arts grouped in a distinct class. Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities; ▪ a change in hierarchy, from group level to division level. Gambling and betting activities; ▪ these activities were “high” at division level, from class level, considering their economic significance for some countries. This section includes a wide range of activities to meet varied cultural, entertainment and recreational interests of the general public, including live performances, operation of museum sites, gambling, sports and recreation activities Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities; ▪ fitness facilities included in sports activities as a distinct class.
OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES NACE Rev. 2 Detailed changes in NACE Rev. 2 – Section S OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES ▪ This section is a part from the former “Other community, social and personal service activities”, structured in three divisions: Activities of membership organisations; ▪ the same content and structure as in NACE Rev. 1.1 . Repair of computers and personal and household goods; ▪ a grouping of repairs other than equipment and motor vehicle repairs. ▪ repairs of telecommunication equipment included. ▪ repair and restore of furniture included. This section (as a residual category) includes the activities of membership organizations, the repair of computers and personal and household goods and a variety of personal service activities not covered elsewhere in the classification Other personal service activities; ▪ no real change, just “fitness facilities” and “yoga instruction” removed.
Section T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use This section covers activities of households that are intended for own consumption Out of scope of business surveys However, information on such activities is necessary for the National Accounts Subdivised into 2 divisions 97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use
NACE Rev.2 Thank you!