Change Your Thinking … … Change Your Life Need to rework this opening slide
Who Is Forever? Worldwide Founded in 1978 USD $2.5 Billion Turnover Experienced and Visionary Senior Management Team Debt Free with Assets over USD $1.5 Billion Leaders in the Wellness industry (predicted to be the next Trillion dollar market)
Forever operates in over 150 countries
Forever in Australia? Experienced and Committed Management Multi-million Dollar annual sales in a 1.3 Billion Dollar industry Multi-million Dollar investment in historic “Willow Grove” as national headquarters Experienced and Committed Management Hosted 2000 Forever World Rally at Sydney Opera House Products endorsed by IASC, Kosher, Peta and more
Products Organically Grown 3 Largest Aloe Plantations Forever Plantations cleanse 2 Million tons CO2 annually High Quality Manufacturing Facility
How do we market these products Manufacturer Forever National Agent Distributors Profit Margins Commissions Advertising Promotions Packaging Wholesaler Sales Force Retailer Consumers
What do Distributors do? Use the products Become your own best Customer Purchase your products at discounted prices Share the products Share the benefits with others Develop regular customers Earn Terrific Retail Profits Build a team Talk to people about the Forever opportunity Find and develop 5 key people Work the business model Earn Generous Override Bonus Income Coach our team members Teach your team to do the same as you have done Develop regular Customers Find 5 key people Build Lucrative Royalty Style Income Describe what we do as distributors
Benefits of Building a Team With Forever Part Time or Full Time In Business with Experienced People Flexible Hours Maximum Returns and Rewards for your Effort Training and Support Incredible Online Business Tools Proven Successful Business Model Royalty Residual Income International Business Building Opportunities Your Own Boss Car Plan and Travel Incentives Family Time Recognition and Prizes No Joining Fee No Risks Multiply your time with and through other people
What is Network Marketing Way to build a business working with others Takes advantage of compounding or multiplying effects Find 2 people, then help them find 2 people and so on Imagine if everyone in this business put in just 10 hours per week Including yourself there are 63 people by 10hrs = 630hrs per week Imagine earning just a few dollars per hour on that activity Now imagine if you introduced 5 people rather than just 2
Get yourself into the 4cc Success Habit Build your successful business First Develop a personal Case Credit (CC) business In other words – generate some Personal Volume What are Case Credits Forever’s internal way of calculating your business volume 1cc = $220 (+gst) wholesale, or $268 (+gst) New Dist Price Get yourself into the 4cc Success Habit Generate immediate income Business discipline Your path to earning your team building bonuses How? Use the products Share the products Build a team
How do you get paid? 3 forms of income Retail Profit You invest in products as a Distributor Market the products to Customers Earn a Retail profit Starts at 15% of Retail Value then increases to 30% New Distributor Profit You sponsor New Distributors to join your business They invest in products at New Distributor Price You earn 15% (of Retail Value) Bonus Income You earn Override Bonuses from the sales activity of yourself and your team Ranges up to 18%
Forever Bonus Income Personal Bonus Paid from A/S level up 120cc Personal Bonus Paid from A/S level up Based on retail value No qualification requirements MGR 75cc A/M 25cc SUP 2cc A/S DIST Marketing Plan 0% 5% 8% 13% 18%
Forever Bonus Income Group or Override Bonus Paid from A/S level up 120cc Group or Override Bonus Paid from A/S level up Based on retail value MGR 75cc A/M 5% 25cc Qualification Requirements Active with 4cc Personal Volume Personal Orders + New Distributor Orders SUP 5% 10% 2cc A/S 3% 8% 13% DIST 5% 8% 13% 18% Marketing Plan 0% 5% 8% 13% 18%
Monthly Income Potential You Assistant Manager Monthly 40cc = $12,584 retail 5% Override Bonus = $629 per A/M Imagine you have 6 – your Bonus = $3,774 Supervisor Monthly 10cc = $3,146 retail 10% Override Bonus = $315 per Sup Imagine you have 12 – your Bonus = $3,780 Assistant Supervisor 4cc = $1,258 retail 13% Override Bonus = $164 per A/S Imagine you have 25 – your Bonus = $4,100 Keep it simple What sort of income can you have as an active manager in the Forever business In this example you have personally sponsored a total of 43 people who are active at some level in the business Imagine you have this business You have sponsored 43 people into Your Business – your Bonus Income = $11,654 per month
Earned Incentive Program Extra Incentives Earned Incentive Program Qualify over 3 months Benefit for 3 years Additional Bonus of up to $1,200 per month Use it for a Car, House, Boat, Education, …………. International Travel Different International destinations each year 2011 destinations include Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia Vienna - Austria USA Airfares and Luxury Accommodation Up to US $ 3,000 spending Money Describe Earned Incentive Program Describe International Travel
Your next step Joining Forever is Simple Products Education Complete an application form Products Invest in some products Combo pack is ideal Education Learn about your business Learn about your products To build your successful business you need to take the next step These are the next steps
Your next step Preparation Do It Repeat Plan your strategy Accumulate your business tools Do It Speak to people Market your business Repeat This business is a copy business Stay focused To build your successful business you need to take the next step These are the next steps
When you retire will you be … More disappointed by the things you DID do… … or by the things you DIDN’T do ?
Change Your Thinking … … Change Your Life Need to rework this opening slide