English 10 Week 2 8/19 – 8/21
Bellwork In Google Drive… Write about your first week of school. What has happened to you? How have you felt about it? When you have finished, go back and add in more details.
Sharing Time! Share your stories with the class. Audience: You get points for this. Audience: Listen for specific descriptive details within each story. Could you “see” or “feel” what the speaker experienced?
Workbooks Let’s go to the bookstore and get our workbooks! What is the protocol for leaving the classroom? What is the protocol for the hallway?
Sequencing Activity Go to: mbcurl.me/Q2SP Read the story quietly to yourself. On a scrap piece of paper, try to put the story in order.
“Be willing to sacrifice what you want now for what you want most.” Goal Writing Prompt “Be willing to sacrifice what you want now for what you want most.” Write a three paragraph essay describing an important goal. How long will it take you to accomplish the goal? What will you have to sacrifice?
Writing Use MLA header Have an intro, body, conclusion Clearly identify your goal Put this in your Drive Folder
Brainstorm Practice Let’s practice.
Bellwork Describe this character. What does he look like? What type of personality do you think he has? Would you trust this man? How do you feel about him?
Take your time! Grammar Pre-Test Do your best on this. This will be for a small grade.
When Finished… Start working on page 9. Section A: Section B: Read each term and example Define each term Section B: Answer each question
Writing Silent, individual work (15 min) Compare with a partner (10 min) Find two good aspects of partner’s writing. Suggest one change (grammar/spelling doesn’t count!) Make changes (5 min)
Mandala Loosely translated to mean "circle," it represents wholeness. It can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds.
Create Your Own On a sheet of paper, draw a circle. Draw a picture of your self in the middle. Write words and draw pictures of people, places, actions, etc. that symbolize you. Make the mandala colorful! Let’s see an example…
Freerice.com Go to the website above. Decide what each word means. Try 3 different levels. See how many grains of rice you can gain!
Homework Page 10