Cerebrum 80 percent of brain mass Gyri and sulci Left and right hemispheres Falx cerebri Superior to cerebellum Tentorium cerebelli Five (six?) lobes
Cerebrum Caudate nucleus Olfactory bulb Basal ganglia (nuclei) Corpus striatum (nuclei in cerebrum) Caudate nucleus Lentiform nucleus
Caudate Nucleus Large subconscious movements of skeletal muscles
Lentiform Nucleus Putamen Globus pallidus Large subconscious movements of skeletal muscles Globus pallidus Regulates muscle tone
Occipital lobe Integrates eye focusing movements Correlates visual images with visual memory Involved in conscious perception of vision Separated from parietal lobe: Parietooccipital sulcus
Parietal Lobe Somatesthetic interpretation: Understanding speech. Postcental gyrus. Understanding speech. Auditory association cortex. Wenicke’s area. Formulating words to express thoughts and emotions.
Frontal Lobe Voluntary motor control: Motivation Aggression Mood Precentral gyrus. Motivation Aggression Mood
Frontal Lobe Personality Cognitive processes Verbal communication: Broca’s area.
Temporal Lobe Receives/interprets olfactory and auditory sensations. Responsible for storage of memory related to auditory and visual experiences.
Insula Not observed from surface. Involved with memory. Psychic cortex: Highest levels of brain function: Abstract thought Judgment