What can be learned from CAL’s latest research on the SIOP model? SIOP UPDATE What can be learned from CAL’s latest research on the SIOP model? CAL – Center for Applied Linguistics
Project Goal To determine if the academic performance of middle and high school English language learners improve under the instruction of SIOP-trained teachers
Academic Literacy through Sheltered Instruction for Secondary English Language Learners Project since 2004 Compared 60 educators trained in SIOP in Clifton NJ with 24 educators who were not SIOP-trained at a comparison site in NJ Collected data from students taught by SIOP-trained teachers in Clifton and a comparison group whose teachers were not SIOP-trained
Professional Development of Clifton Project CAL staff worked with content and ESL teachers 7 days of training in 2004-05 Summer institute Follow-up workshops Substitutes for classes provided On-site coaches to support lesson planning and delivery Stipend for summer training and coverage issue during year Support from school & district administrators: building support makes all the difference in keeping teachers motivated Secure professional development days Support SIOP coaches (duty period was SIOP) Providing time for coaches most important piece
Do teachers reach high levels of implementation of the SIOP Model during a sustained professional development program after 1 year? SIOP-trained teachers increased their SIOP implementation level on average by 19% Per SIOP component, the range of the percentage growth gain was from 12% (Comprehensible Input) to 39% (lesson delivery) More than ½ needed one year of training before able to implement the SIOP model to a high degree. Saw a huge jump in implementation in year 2 Thus, School and administrators need a commitment to this model. Administration and cross-discipline commitment provide a consistent message Coaching beneficial. In this project coaching was collaborative, not evaluative. 7 days makes a difference, 2 days probably doesn’t! Created new platform of interchange between content and ESL teachers. Provided common language for both.
Does implementation of the SIOP Model in content classrooms result in increased student achievement after 1 year? Students who had SIOP-trained teachers had a significant percentage growth in their average IPT scores for oral, reading, and writing subtests. SIOP impacted quality of instruction. SIOP impacted across the board for all students.
The SIOP Model What it is: Language sensitive content class Framework requiring extensive and sustained training, support, and coaching Class with structured task in all four language domains: L,S, R, W What it is not: A packaged program Quick and easy to implement Just good teaching
Resources http://njtesol-njbe.org/handouts/CAL.htm http://www.cal.org/siop/siopacademicliteracy.htm