Speak the Language of Leadership -George Walther-
COMMUNICATING WITHOUT WORDS! Share something about yourself using nonverbal means. No spoken or written letters or words can be used. No I’m pulling your leg, you already do this day in day out without even know you are.
Did You Know 55% of a message is perceived from our body language 38% of a message is perceived from our tone/ inflection 7% of the impact of what we say when we communicate is words. So…Your body language has nearly 8 times—and your tone has nearly 5 times–-the impact in forming the message that people perceive than the words you speak!!! Email (words), Voice Mail (tone/inflection), Face to Face (body language) Email is just written, so pick your words well.
By participating in this workshop, you will have the blueprints to… Learning Goals By participating in this workshop, you will have the blueprints to… Power talk for leaders Elevate communication importance & project positive expectations Understand and use the three R’s system
Glad to Meet You, Mad to Meet You Introduce yourself to others A - L Positive greeting M - Z Negative greeting Debrief: As a positive participant, was it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone who was negative? Were you able to easily maintain your positive attitude? As a negative person, was it uncomfortable to act in a disinterested way when you met someone who was very positive? Did your assignment as a positive or negative person affect the way you actually felt while participating? Are there any specific experiences or observations you would like to share?
Share your idea(s) with your group. Key Ideas and Application Write down the important idea(s) from the presentation and how to apply them to your company or team. Share your idea(s) with your group. In small groups, select a team leader. Team leaders, please facilitate a discussion among your group where each of you share the idea(s) you found most important and how you would apply that idea within your workplace. You will find a worksheet on page 5 of your Participant’s Guide that you can use to record your group’s ideas. Team leaders, following your group discussions, I will ask you to share with us one of your group’s ideas and its application.
Pick your Card Draw 2 blank cards for each group member. Blueprint # 1, pg. 4 Draw 2 blank cards for each group member. Write 1 adjectives that describes 1 member of your group. Two cards per person. Repeat the process for each person. Collect cards, shuffle & put in center of table Follow the instructions you hear.
Why This Subject Is Important Perception: 92% of managers think they do an “excellent” or “good” job managing people. Reality: Only 57% of workers agree (23% fair / 20% poor.) You may hear this quote in another training module this year, but it bears repeating. In a past issue of Forbes magazine, author, consultant and psychoanalyst Michael Maccoby wrote, “This is often the problem with executives who change the world: We don’t like them, we don’t trust them and we don’t particularly like working with them.” Regardless of whether we know it, this is the environment in which we lead and in which we seek to change and grow our business. The Wall Street Journal, September 26, 2009
Why This Subject Is Important “There’s a big disconnect between how managers think they’re doing and how employees think managers are doing.” The Wall Street Journal, September 26, 2009
Rate and Highlight 9 Areas to Speak the Language of Leadership Blueprint # 2, pg 5 – 9 Rate and Highlight
Positive Replacements blueprint # 2 cont. Bottom of pg. 9 List five common negative words or phrases our people use in the workplace. 2. Rephrase them with positive replacements. Some things to think about: A. How can we overcome the habit of using negative language? B. How can we help others adopt a more positive attitude?
How can we help others adopt a more positive ATTITUDE? Blueprint #3, pg. 10 How can we help others adopt a more positive ATTITUDE?
The 3 R’s Blueprint #3, pg. 10 Recognize Reward Report
Personal Blueprint / Action Plan I Plan to Implement / Best Idea Expected Result SMART Specifically Measurement Attainment Relevant Time-Based Action Steps Resources Needed