Solar system travel brochure project


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Presentation transcript:

Solar system travel brochure project Project will be DUE March 3.

Your project: will be completed on ONE piece of paper that I give you. You can complete as many trial runs as needed on copy paper or notebook paper, but I will only give you ONE piece of large paper. will be on the celestial body you draw Thursday. will be completed with research found online and in books. must follow the rubric and criteria! must be in color!

5 INTERESTING facts: You will be researching 5 facts on your celestial body. THESE FACTS CANNOT BE THE SAME AS YOUR CELESTIAL BODY FEATURES! These facts need to be in complete sentences! All facts must be from credible sources!

CELESTIAL BODY FEATURES: You will be researching features of your celestial body. THESE FACTS CANNOT BE THE SAME AS YOUR 5 INTERESTING FACTS! These DO NOT have to be in complete sentence, but they do need to be labeled appropriately. All facts must be from credible sources!

CELESTIAL BODY FEATURES: Description: 1. Temperature in Celsius and fahrenheit Give the temperature in Celsius. If you can only find it in Fahrenheit, use to convert. 2. Distance from Sun in Astronomical Units You will find the distance from the sun in astronomical units (AUs). If you cannot find it in AUs, use this online converter: 3. Atmospheric gases (specific names) You will research the atmospheric gases that your planet has. Be specific of the names! 4. Surface Gravity The number that you find for surface gravity means that on your celestial body, without air resistance, the speed of an object falling freely will increase by that number. Do NOT forget the m/s2 behind the number! 5. Composition (what is it made of) What is your celestial body made up of? Rock, gas? Be as specific as possible. 6. Rotation Times in Earth Days/Hours You will tell the ROTATION time of your celestial body in Earth days/hours. You do not have to list days and hours, just one or the other. 7. Revolution Times in Earth Days/Hours You will tell the REVOLUTION time of your celestial body in Earth days/hours. You do not have to list days and hours, just one or the other. Also, list WHAT it revolves around (another planet, sun, etc.). 8. Location in the Solar System Where is your celestial body located at in the solar system? 9. Tilt & Axis Does your celestial body have a tilt or axis? If so, list both. If it does not, write the word None for this feature.

Look, smell, and feel Look: Smell: Feel: What does your celestial body look like? Use descriptive words! This should be in a complete sentence. What does your celestial body smell like? Research your celestial body’s atmospheric gases’ smells! Research your celestial body’s composition to see what it would feel like.

Three Sources: You will be working with Mrs. Whitlock on Friday, and Mrs. Lee on Monday. You cannot put JUST the source; you must put the article title and author, if applicable. For example: World Book would not be accepted, but Jupiter by Roger V. Yelle, Ph.D., WorldBook would be. You may use more than three sources, but you MUST cite three credible sources.

Creativity (classwork grade) Category: Description: 1. Title Page on the front You must have a portion on the front of your brochure that gives a title! 2. Colorful Your brochure needs to be in full color! 3. Exciting and interesting Remember, you are advertising your celestial body! Make people want to come visit (if that was possible)! 4. Neatness You may hand-write or type. If I cannot read it, it will have to be re-done. 5. 3 drawings or photographs You may draw or print pictures of your celestial body. There must be three DIFFERENT pictures. You cannot have three of the same picture and get credit! If you are printing your pictures, they must be in color. 6. Name, period, date on back cover You will be given a small rubric to glue to your back cover. That MUST be glued on! 7. Planning sheet turned in with brochure The sheet you used for research must be turned in!

You MUST get a parent/guardian to sign your criteria sheet BEFORE picking your celestial body! After you finish your research, you MUST get MY initials before getting your paper to create your brochure! You will have three total days in class (two research days & one work day) to work on this!