STAT262: Final Project STAT262@UCI
Project Goals Present and apply at least one method that is the textbook but was not covered in class. Choices are: Effects of survey design on chi-square tests and corrections to Chi-squared tests (10.2, 10.3) Loglinear models in a complex survey (10.4) Regression in a complex survey (11.2) Design-based vs model-based methods (11.4) Mixed models for cluster samples (11.5) Logistic regression (11.6) To apply what we learned to real problems The sampling design must be taken into consideration in your project
Data Sets Any type of survey data NHANES health and behavior questions given to high school students The National Immunization Survey and National Immunization Survey-Teen American Community Survey
Groups Five groups Each group has 20 mins to present their project Each group has one non-stats student Each group has at least a 2nd-yr Ph.D. STATS student Group sizes: 4 or 5 See the email for group information Each group has 20 mins to present their project Every group member needs to present