public relations, etiquette & communication


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Presentation transcript:

public relations, etiquette & communication KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN EKSEKUTIF MODUL 3 public relations, etiquette & communication Dewan Laksamana 29 June 2005

Listening & talking skill : Did U Say What I Think U Said? PR & communication Listening & talking skill : Did U Say What I Think U Said? Mendengar & bercakap adalah asas komunikasi oral seperti juga menulis & membaca yang merupakan asas kemahiran komunikasi dalam penulisan KEMAHIRAN MENDENGAR DENGAN BAIK Bersedia secara fizikal untuk mendengar - pandang muka, berdiri tegak - tunjukkan minat anda untuk mendengar apa yang diperkatakan Dengar bagi mendapatkan idea - bukan sekadar perkataan Jangan bercakap sambil mendengar Tumpukan perhatian kepada apa yang diperkatakan

PR & communication Kita PERLU mengenengahkan idea kita atau memberi reaksi kepada idea orang lain yang didengari Guna perkataan khusus dan jangan ‘generalize’ sekiranya anda ingin arahan/permintaan anda diterima dengan tepat Jangan takut untuk memperlihatkan perasaan anda - contohnya seperti ‘ saya tak selesa untuk menjalankan tugasan menemuramah pelanggan ini’…akan memberi maklum balas kepada ketua anda bagi menilai semula samada tugasan itu sesuai untuk anda jalankan. Jelaskan maksud anda - seperti ‘ Nak order ubat mesti guna PO Online, tapi saya tak maksudkan awak tak boleh guna cara lain langsung’… menjelaskan yang order MESTI dibuat melalui PO Online dan awak tidak bermaksud hanya sistem ITU sahaja yang boleh digunakan.

Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour PR & communication Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour Hari ini tugasan selalunya dilaksanakan dalam kumpulan Justeru itu ANDA perlu mampu berfungsi secara efektif dalam kumpulan yang terdiri dari pelbagai peringkat umur dan taraf perjawatan. Untuk tujuan itu, ANDA perlu memahami dan mempraktikkan garis panduan berikut: Initiating : Propose tasks or goals for the team to cinsider. Define a team problem. Suggest a procedure or ideas for solving a problem Information or opinion seeking : Request facts the team needs. Seek relevant information about a concern of the team. Ask for suggestions or ideas from other team members Information or opinion giving : State a belief. Provide relevant informationabout a team concern. Give suggestions or ideas

Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour PR & communication Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour Clarifying : Elaborate, intepret or reflect ideas and suggestions. Clear up confusions. Indicate alternatives and issues before the team. Give examples to ilustrate points. Summarizing : Pull together related ideas. Restate suggestions after the team has discussed them. Offer a decision or conclusion for the team to accept or reject Concensus testing : Send up ‘trial balloons’ to see whether the team is nearing a conclusion. Check with the team to see how much agreement has been reached Note : These ‘task’ roles are as important for group members as for the leader. The leader needs help from every member to make the team function.

PR & communication Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour Note : When performing team relations function - trying to improve relations within your group or work team - these skills can come in handy: Encouraging : Be friendly, warm and responsive to others. Accept others and their contributions. Give others an opportunity for recognition. Expressing team feelings : Sense feeling mood and relationships within the team. Share one’s feelings with other members. Harmonizing : Attempt to reconcile disagreements within the team. Reduce tension. Get people to explore their differences.

Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour PR & communication Communicating in Teams : Constructive Communication Behaviour Modifying : Be willing to modify your position even when your status is challenged. Admint error rather than clinging to your position. Discipline yourself to maintain team cohesion even when ou’re tempted to criticize the team. (There may well be times when critisizing the team is necessary. But try to do it in a way that educates rather than divides the team) Gatekeeping : Attempt to keep communication channels open.Facilitate the participation of others. Suggest procedures for sharing opportunities to discuss team problems. Evaluating : Evaluate team functioning and performance. Express standards for the team to achieve. Measure results.

Flow with Organization’s Needs - For Better Communications PR & communication Flow with Organization’s Needs - For Better Communications How does your manager prefer to communicate with others ? ~ in person, face-to-face ~ over the phone ~ by e-mail ~ written memos and notes ~ smoke signals or other means How does your manager prefer your communications ? ~ In great and specific details ~ In summary format ~ Just the facts, save the conclusions ~ In Morse Code

Flow with Organization’s Needs - For Better Communications PR & communication Flow with Organization’s Needs - For Better Communications When does your manager prefer to meet with you ? ~ First thing in the day ~ In the morning ~ During lunch ~ At the end of the day How often does your manager want to see you ? ~ Once a day without fail ~ Whenever you need guidance on a project ~ Only when you have exhausted all your own ideas and are confused ~ As little as possible - and it better be important

PR & communication FORMALITY Some people are pretty easy going when it comes to issues like how you are dressed, whether you are exactly on time or other matters of what might loosely be called etiquette. If your organization is easy going, you can be too. On the other hand, if you are working in a corporate environment or your boss is a stickler for the right way, you’d better be also. Dress Code : ~ My boss is relaxed about my attire as long as it is appropriate ~ My boss accepts casual day only with the greatest reluctance ~ My boss probably wears a suit and tie in the shower

PR & communication FORMALITY Timeliness : ~ Being late is not OKAY, but getting work accomplished is what’s important ~ Nothing wrong with a little flextime ~ A minute late from lunch is the same as an hour late ~ You could set your atomic watch by when she arrives in the morning Circadian Rhythms ~ My supervisor is definitely a morning person ~ Long lunches are occasionally fine ~ What’s lunch? ~ We all like to work late, don’t we? ~ What’s more fun than spending the weekend at work?

Try to understand what your office etiquette are PR & communication FORMALITY Got the idea? Try to understand what your office etiquette are (what is generally acceptable and what is not) and you will be ready to represent the company.

PR & communication ETIQUETTE How We Look ~ Personal grooming has a Big impact on your customers. Any wardrobe oversight is seen by customers as a sign of sloppiness and inconsistency Gesture ~ Nod ~ Eye-to Eye ~ Facing the customer ~ Hand gestures ~ Lean forward Cultural Acceptance - we have to mark any specific cultural behaviour especially when dealing with foreign customer because one acceptable behaviour in an organization may not be acceptable at another

PR & communication INTERPERSONAL SKILL 6 BASIC NEEDS - to ensure Good Interpersonal skill either when you interact with your colleague or Most Importantly with you External Customer Friendliness ~ Friendliness is the most basic of all customer needs, and it’s usually associated with being greeted politely and courteously. Understanding & Empathy ~ Customers need to feel that the service person understands and appreciates their circumstances and feelings without criticism or judgement Fairness ~ The need to be treated fairly is high up on most customers’ list of needs

PR & communication INTERPERSONAL SKILL 6 BASIC NEEDS - to ensure Good Interpersonal skill either when you interact with your colleague or Most Importantly with you External Customer Control ~ Control represents the customers’ need to feel as if they have an impact on the way things turn out Options & Alternatives ~ Customers need to feel that other avenues are available to getting what they want accomplished Information ~ Customers need to be educated and informed about the products, policies and procedures they encounter when dealing with you

PR & communication INTERPERSONAL SKILL A popular piece of customer service folklore states that if you give customers what they ask for (just say ‘Yes’), then you end up with satisfied customers. This folklore is FALSE. Customers do ask for what they want, but they usually don’t ask for the 6 Basic Needs outlined above. When did the last time you you go for a Pizza and say ‘ I’d like a slice of pepperoni pizza, please?’ and then add, ‘Could ou please be understanding, friendly and fair?’. Customers don’t ask for these other needs, but they miss such gestures when they are not provided. To really provide top quality customer service (both internal & external), you need to move beyond the YES folklore to fulfill all your customers’ needs

PR & communication IN CONCLUSION PR & Communication is The Basic that needs to be learned by all executive. In dealing with People (both internal or external) we have to observe the acceptable norms of people around us and pick up the Do’s and Don’ts Social etiquette is the Acceptable level of communication and gestures within an organization and cultures and we must do our ‘homework’ prior to dealing with them