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Presentation transcript:


Overall Goal and Purpose of the Joint Assessment & Strategy Development Process To improve household food security and reduce malnutrition in all districts of NTT province To improve the quality and increase the quantity of food security and nutrition programming in NTT

Expected Outputs from the Joint Assessment & Strategy Development To gain comprehensive understanding of acute and chronic food security and nutrition problems in NTT To increase capacity of government actors to undertake food security assessments and programming Follow-up assessment in remaining 13 districts of NTT from April 2009 by provincial Government Provide a national model that can be adopted by the Government of Indonesia in other parts of the country To agree on a comprehensive plan to tackle food security and nutrition problems in NTT province District profiles Preliminary provincial response strategy

Specific Objectives of the Stakeholder Workshop in Kupang Keep stakeholders, donors, NOGs and government informed of the plans and processes Share activity plans, methodology and tools for the joint assessment Identify roles and responsibilities for Government and UN partner agencies (WFP,FAO.UNICEF) for the implementation process Seek additional support from NGOs: provide enumerators, monitoring and backstopping during data collection in the field; support in baseline data Seek feedback from stakeholders to improve the quality of the planned assessment processes

Scope of Phase I Joint Assessment Seven high priority districts selected by key stakeholders in July (Bogor workshop 28-29 July 2008): 1. Sumba Barat 2. Sumba Timur 3. Manggarai 4. TTS 5. Alor 6. Kupang 7. Rote Ndao

Criteria for District selection Their rank on the WFP Food Insecurity Index – highest ranking Together, the selected districts are representative of the 10 livelihood zones defined and agreed upon in May 26-27 workshop in Kupang The findings will provide a good preliminary picture of the whole province on food security and nutrition

Tools and Sample Sizes Household Questionnaire (Food security, agriculture [incl. livestock, poultry, fishery], health, nutrition & anthropometry) 600/district 4200 Focus Group Discussion-Livelihoods Key Informants (analysing community capacity) 1/vill. Focus Group Discussion-Nutrition mothers of under-5 children (feeding & environmental hygiene practices 10/district 70 Market/traders Questionnaire (market response capacities) 3-6/vill. Government Capacity Analysis (macro-economic, organisational & programming response capacities) 1/dist +Province 8

Livelihood Framework & Tools Vulnerability Context HH Questionnaire Focus Group discussions, village level Assets Focus Group Discussions Activities Markets/Traders Questionnaire Outcomes Anthropometric Survey Institutions and Policies District/Province Capacity Analysis Focus Group Discussion Livelihoods

Progress to-date Partner agencies (WFP,UNICEF,FAO), in close coordination and consultation with Government of Indonesia, agreed on TORs, Action Plan, Timetable, costs Funding commitments by partner agencies Proposal for additional funds submitted All relevant documents finalised last week September 2008 MoU signed by partner agencies 1st week October 2008 Tools and methodology agreed upon (final/complete versions expected 3rd week October 2008) Technical consultation meeting with MoA, MoH, BPS, 7 October 2008 Government capacity analysis tested/piloted in TTS and province level, last week September 2008

Assessment Processes Steering Committee NGOs, other stakeholders Provide trainers & enumerators Logistic support in field Baseline data Field monitoring/oversight Research Institute Collate baseline data Train enumerators Collect, store & analyse primary data Steering Committee - Hiring national research agency Train trainers (methodology/tools) Technical oversight NTT Government - Participate in all training - Coordinate/supervise activities (province, district, sub-district)

Next Steps: Assessment Implementation–Strategy Development Selection process for national research agency ongoing – to be finalised 3rd week October 2008 Training of trainers & enumerators to be conducted last week October/first week November 2008 District/provincial Government staff included Data collection 1st/2nd week November to 1st/2nd week December 2008, simultaneously in 7 districts

Next Steps Continued Data processing and analysis 1st week December 2008-1st week January 2009 Presentation of preliminary findings 2nd week January 2008 (stakeholder workshop) Further analysis of assessment 3rd week January to 1st week February 2009 resulting in final report

Next steps continued Strategy development, post-assessment stage (district profiles & preliminary province response strategy) 2nd week February to 1st week March 2009 Stakeholder workshop 2nd week March, discuss final report and consult on strategy development and action plan for districts and province Presentation of strategy and action plans for province an districts with stakeholders

Immediate Actions: Resource Mapping (by end of today’s workshop) Province and district Government departments to commit staff, logistics support and baseline data NGOs, donors & other stakeholders to commit technical support, backstopping, field coordination/monitoring, enumerators & possibly trainers and logistic support Steering Committee to commit appointment of focal points at Jakarta and Kupang levels for technical oversight and backstopping