Daily Warm-up Wednesday 9/11/2013


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Presentation transcript:

Daily Warm-up Wednesday 9/11/2013 What characteristics do you think something has to have to be 
considered living?

Homework -Review water and pH for tomorrow (Ch. 2)

Lab notebook set up Outside Cover: First and Last Name  Period  Subject Inside page: Label top "Table of Contents"  -Leave two pages aside for Table of contents Ex. Inside cover:  Table of Contents Lab Description  Pg. # http://prezi.com/atyukqi_w8tt/characteristics-of-life/

Today's Activity There are 13 stations around the room. Make sure to visit each one. There should 
be no more than 4 people at a station at a time. In your notebook, you need to write down: 1. The station # 2. The object at the station (look at the label card) 3. The characteristics of life that the object demonstrates 4. Whether or not you believe the object to be living *We will discuss the answers as a group afterwards*

Living Non-Living

Bonds What are the three types? Describe each type with the person 
sitting next to you.