Apartheid in South Africa 1948-1994 Images from http://www.unmultimedia.org/photo/subjects/apartheid.html
Barriers at the Beach - 1970
Apartheid Laws South Africa was colonized in the 17th century When the Afrikaner National Party had the majority, 317 apartheid laws were ratified Total racial control existed in every aspect of life – work, home, school, and relationships 1953: government could imprison, fine, or whip anyone protesting against a law
Divisions at Johannesburg, 1973
Forced “Resettlement” Millions were sent into “homelands”; this was the largest forced movement in history.
Bans to Courtship, 1982 Inter-racial marriage was banned, though resistance was growing by this time.
Anti-Apartheid Sentiment Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress of South Africa, addresses the Special Committee Against Apartheid in the General Assembly Hall