REVIEW OF WAY IN WHICH METROBUS DELIVERS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES CALL FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS CITY OF JOHANNESBURG METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY The Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services SOC Limited (Metrobus) is under review by the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in compliance with the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000, in order to improve service delivery. INFORMATION STATEMENT Notice is hereby given of the City of Johannesburg’s intention to review the way in which Metrobus provides bus transportation services to residents of the City of Johannesburg. The City has developed a turnaround business plan for Metrobus which seeks to ensure that Metrobus will be more efficient, well-organized and be able to meet the needs of the customer. The turnaround business plan seeks to introduce a new Service Level Agreement between the City and Metrobus wherein Metrobus will focus on the provision of bus services and the maintenance of buses while the Transport Department’s Scheduled Services Management Agency (SSMA) will be responsible for the scheduling of the Metrobus services, fare collection and marketing, including the monitoring of performance. This plan is detailed in a document entitled “Metrobus Business Plan 2014/15” which is available on the City’s Website – Any person who wishes to comment or object is hereby invited to do so. The comments and objections should be made within 30 days from the date of publication of this Notice, and must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director: Transport: Ms Lisa Seftel, P O Box 31923, Braamfontein 2000 or delivered to Transport’s office, 9S10, 9th Floor South, JRA Building, 66 Sauer Street, Corner Jeppe and Sauer Streets, Johannesburg, or emailed to