Mr. Bill Keller Chemistry Voice Mail Box address: Office hours for tutoring and make –ups: Monday and Wednesday: 2:00-3:00 pm
Where can parents get more information? About Grades: SKYWARD (Get login information from counseling Office) About assignments, due dates, upcoming assessments, what we are doing in class: My staff page at the CHS website Everything else:
Chemistry The course is designed to be a preparation for a first semester general chemistry class at a university.
Prerequisite Recommendations C or better in biology course C or better in Algebra 1-2
Course Requirements A scientific, graphing, or engineering calculator
How is the course graded 10% on homework and class work. –Assigned frequently from book, on-line sources, or worksheets. Answer keys are provided and students are always given the opportunity to ask questions. Generally graded on effort and completion. 15% on quizzes –Given approximately every week and a half, over the material discussed in class and practiced on the homework.
How is the course graded cont. 25% on labwork and lab write ups. –Approximately 6 labs per semester. One half of these points are awarded for correct attention to safety and lab procedures. The second half of the points are awarded for thorough analysis of data and post lab questions 50% on tests –4 per semester that cover the material from the previous two or three quizzes, plus a final exam that counts as two exams.
Course Topics-1st Semester Physical Science Review: Atomic Structure Nuclear structure Electron structure Periodic Law, Trends and the Periodic Table Bonding: Molecular and Ionic Compounds
Course Topics-2nd Semester Counting atoms by mass Molecular structure and geometry Chemical Reactions and equations Stoichiometry Solutions and reactions in solutions Acids and Bases Gases
How can adults best help their students to succeed? Use my staff page to stay up to date with what we are doing in class. Encourage them to ask questions in class. Encourage them to get extra help AS SOON AS TROUBLE STARTS. Dont let them wait until it is too late. Have them review and correct quizzes before they take the associated test. They need to learn from their mistakes.
Where should they go from here? The Curtis High School science department offers seven elective science classes for underclassman who wish to continue in science to consider: –Oceanography –Physics –Anatomy/Physiology –AP Environmental Science –AP Chemistry –AP Biology –AP Physics
If you have any individual questions, please feel free to contact me at Thank you for coming.