Health Roundtable Title Of Innovation Organisation Real Name : Presenter(s) 1: Name, email, phone HRT 1816 – Whole of System Improvement Group 15 & 16 of August 2018 - Wellington
Innovation Information Slide ONLY Your Innovation ‘poster’ is assembled with A4 PowerPoint slides using a standard format - up to 10 slides max. Standing in front of your printed ‘poster’ - each presenter will have 90 - 120 seconds to give a verbal overview of their innovation, think elevator pitch – focus on the outcomes! Please be as concise as possible! The standard format Key Problem Aim of Innovation Baseline data or current situation Key changes implemented Outcomes so far Lessons learnt Can presenters also complete a high level summary slide - see last page for information- Do this after completing your ‘poster’ For inspiration, all Innovations 2012 – 2017 are available on the website click link
Key Problem Brief summary of the key problem. What was the situation before you implemented this innovation? What prompted you to undertake the project? Delete this note Innovation Template
Aim of this Innovation What were you aiming to achieve? What was the improvement you were seeking? Delete this note Innovation Template
Baseline Data / Current Situation Brief summary of the key problem. What was the situation before you implemented this innovation? What prompted you to undertake the project? Delete this note Innovation Template
Key Changes Implemented Please focus on changes that were implemented that contributed to the project’s success One or two slides Delete this note Innovation Template
Key Changes Implemented Add Innovation Template
Outcomes so far Please focus on real results and provide evidence that the changes have made an improvement eg control charts, data from before and after One or two slides Delete this note Innovation Template
Lessons Learnt What have you learned from the project? What would you recommend to other organisations? One slide Delete this note Innovation Template
Innovation Summary Slide Title: Health Service: Problem: Solution: Results: Please include a Graphic if possible – ideally data showing your outcomes Presenter Name and Contact Details : Innovation Template