Good Morning! What is something that you have “ingrained” into your mind? A particular quote? Something funny from a movie or a joke from a T.V. Show? A particular song that you know?
Which penny is real?
Episodic Semantic Implicit
Episodic Semantic Implicit Definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS Two interesting facts Two personal examples Definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS Two interesting facts Two personal examples Definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS Two interesting facts Two personal examples
3 Processes of Memory Sequential Process Keyboard (Encoding) Disk (Storage) Monitor (Retrieval) Sequential Process
You have 30 seconds to memorize this: OTTFFSSENT
What were the letters? How many of you tried to memorize the image? How many of you tried to memorize the sound? How many of you came up with a trick?
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Encoding: the modification of information to fit the preferred format for the memory system. In most cases, encoding is automatic and happens without our awareness. Other encoding, however, like these notes, require extra encoding effort called elaboration to make the memory useful.
When we are exposed to stimuli and encode information, we do it in three ways: Visual Codes encoding of picture images Acoustic Codes encoding of sound especially sound of words Semantic Codes encoding of meaning including meaning of words
On a separate sheet of paper… Write down the 12 months of the year as fast as you can Now write them as fast as you can in alphabetical order
Storage: the retention of encoding material over time. In terms of storing material, we have three stages of memory Sensory Memory Working Memory (short-term memory) Long-term Memory
Storage Maintenance Rehearsal: repeating new information over and over again Elaborative Rehearsal: connecting new information to older information Organizational systems: filing related information in an accessible way
Effortful learning usually requires rehearsal or conscious repetition. Ebbinghaus studied rehearsal by using nonsense syllables: TUV YOF GEK XOZ Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850-1909)
Rehearsal The more times the nonsense syllables were practiced on Day 1, the fewer repetitions were required to remember them on Day 2.