Number & Operations: Fractions Grades 3-5
NCTM Problem Solving Grade 3: Polygon Pizza Prices Elbow Partners: Put the tangrams into a square using all seven pieces. Use the tangram pieces with the other pieces to determine what the fractional value of each of the seven pieces is. Knowing that the small square is worth $4.00, find the value of each “pizza” on your task handout.
The Completed Tangram Puzzle
Circle Pieces Practice alone on the pages labeled “Circle Pieces 1 – Circle Pieces 3.” This will enforce the idea of representing fractions in both words and symbols. Why is that important?
Pizza Pieces Elbow Partners: work together with the fraction circles to complete the pages “Pizza Pieces 1 – Pizza Pieces 2.” We will discuss #3 to see if Fran is full.
Pizza Problems 1 Elbow Partners: work together to solve each problem. Describe how you solved each, and then write a number sentence that goes with it. We will share out.
Fraction Maps Team Partners: solve your assigned fraction map problem to become the expert. Be prepared to share your thinking with the group. Number off 1-6 to create the teams.
pp. 132 Solving Problems Last night, Mom baked some blueberry muffins for our class picnic. Much to my surprise, my brother ate ¼ of the muffins. My dad ate 2/3 of what was left. Them my little sister found the plate of muffins and ate ½ of what was left. When I went to get the muffins, there were only two left. How many muffins did Mom bake? There must have been 16 muffins to start.
pp. 133 Solving Problems Mom just filled the cookie jar with cookies. They were chocolate-chunk cookies – my favorite. My brother came home from soccer practice and took half the cookies. My sister came home from dance lessons and took half of what was left. When my dad got home from work, he took half the remaining cookies. By the time I finished my homework and went downstairs for a snack, there were only two cookies left. How many cookies did mom put in the cookie jar? There were 16 cookies in the cookie jar.