The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth Part 2
List some of the occasions when Satan did his best to seduce God’s people on earth just as he had seduced one-third of the angels. PP 332-336 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
beings know about the law How soon did human beings know about the law of God and it’s purpose in protecting them from evil and the consequences of sin? PP 363 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2 How did the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram reflect the rebellion of Lucifer in heaven? PP 400-405 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2 Why do you think that the Holy Spirit wanted the “smitten rock” experience placed in the Bible? PP 420, 421 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
What basic lesson in the believer’s walk with God did the Israelites learn during the seven days of walking around Jerico? PP 493 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
farewell address, emphasize key factors in understanding How did Joshua, in his farewell address, emphasize key factors in understanding the character of God? PP 522 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
What was the highest purpose in God’s selection of Abraham to be the father of God’s faithful? PK 15 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
At the dedication of the temple, in the presence of representatives from the governments of the world, what was Solomon’s great opportunity? PK 47 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
Though Solomon repented in his later years, what evidence do we have that his legacy of unfaithfulness was passed on to his son Rehoboam? PK 88, 93 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2
After the division of Israel, what was Jeroboam’s first mistake as he tried to assert his leadership in uniting the ten tribes of Israel? PK 100 11/22/2018 The Great Controversy Continues on Planet Earth, Part 2