Agenda (10/15) Pick-up guided notes (on front table) Review relative motion Notes Demo Practice Physics of Free Fall ride 1
Introduction to 2-Dimensional Motion Use your guided notes to help you follow along with this powerpoint.
Click on juggler to link to discovery 3 min video
What is a projectile? Any object that is moving through the air affected only by gravity is called a projectile.
Projectile Motion and the Velocity Vector The path a projectile follows is called its trajectory.
Projectile Motion and the Velocity Vector The trajectory of a thrown basketball follows a special type of arch-shaped curve called a parabola. The distance a projectile travels horizontally is called its range. Click on graphic for animation Vertical drop animation
Projectile Motion Something is fired, thrown, shot, or hurled near the earth’s surface.
Which of the following would not be considered projectiles? A cannonball thrown straight up A cannonball thrown through the air A cannonball as it rolls off the edge of a table All of these are projectiles (not on your guided notes – a show of hands) D – all of them are projectiles
What are the types of projectiles?
1-Dimensional Projectile (What we have been studying) Definition: A projectile that moves in a vertical direction only and is subject to acceleration by gravity. Examples: Drop something off a cliff. Throw something straight up and catch it. You calculate vertical motion only. The motion has NO horizontal component.
2-Dimensional Projectile Definition: A projectile that moves both horizontally and vertically, subject to acceleration by gravity in vertical direction. Examples: Throw a softball to someone else. Fire a cannon horizontally off a cliff. You calculate vertical and horizontal motion.
What if you increase the speed from which the object is launched What if you increase the speed from which the object is launched? Will it change the outcome? Mythbuster version of Bullet fired versus bullet dropped Simulation for different angle projectiles
How do you account for the results of the demo? The ONLY force acting on the balls once they are released is gravity. Once the ball leaves the launcher – there is no other horizontal force that acts upon the ball.
Thus, it can be said the acceleration in the horizontal is zero. This means the initial horizontal velocity equals the final horizontal velocity. Gravity accelerates objects downwards, but gravity is unable to effect the horizontal velocity of the object.
*CRITICAL CONCEPT * Horizontal “Velocity” Component NEVER changes, covers equal displacements in equal time periods. This means the initial horizontal velocity equals the final horizontal velocity In other words, the horizontal velocity is CONSTANT. BUT WHY? Gravity DOES NOT work horizontally to increase or decrease the velocity.
Your Turn! Work with a partner to discuss the questions about this demo. (5 min.) Record answers and be prepared to Share with class. Dropped and fired marble animation
How did you do? #1 Compare and contrast the horizontal and vertical velocities. Horizontal velocities are the SAME throughout. Vertical velocities INCREASE as the ball falls. (Each dotted line represents how far the ball has fallen after 1 sec.) Dropped and fired marble animation
How did you do? #2 Horizontal acceleration is zero for BOTH balls. -9.8 m/s/s is constant for both balls. Dropped and fired marble animation
How do you know that the vertical velocity of both balls is greater near the bottom of the figure than it is for the top of the figure? Covers a greater distance in the same time interval.
# 4 Gravity only affects the VERTICAL motion # 4 Gravity only affects the VERTICAL motion. It does not increase or decrease velocity in the horizontal direction. X and y components are perpendicular and INDEPENDENT of one another.
The Path of a Projectile (with and without gravity) Only affects VERTICAL motion
Projectiles move in TWO dimensions Since a projectile moves in 2-dimensions, it therefore has 2 components just like a resultant vector. Horizontal and Vertical Click here to see animation of components
Bellringer (10/16) Take out 2D Projectile motion guided notes Answer the following in your Bellringer section: A football player throws the ball down the field. When the ball is at its highest point of its flight: A. The velocity and acceleration are both zero. B. The x-velocity and y-velocity are both zero. C. The x-velocity is non-zero, but the y-velocity is zero D. The velocity is non-zero, but the acceleration is zero Physics of Free Fall ride 24
Zero Launch Angle Projectiles
Launch angle Definition: The angle at which a projectile is launched. The launch angle determines what the trajectory of the projectile will be. Launch angles can range from -90o (throwing something straight down) to +90o (throwing something straight up) and everything in between.
Zero Launch angle vo A zero launch angle implies a perfectly horizontal launch.
Horizontal and Vertical
Projectile Launched Horizontally Important : GRAVITY only affects the VERTICAL MOTION!!
Let’s Summarize:
LET’S SUMMARIZE: Vertically Launched Projectiles NO Vertical Velocity at the top of the trajectory. Vertical Velocity decreases on the way upward Vertical Velocity increases on the way down, Horizontal Velocity is constant Component Velocity Acceleration Horizontal Constant zero Vertical Decreases up, 0 @ top, Increases down Constant (-9.8 m/s/s)
Summary continued… Air resistance is ignored. Zero launch means perfectly horizontal launch. Perpendicular components are independent of one another.
Key concepts: Horizontal velocity is constant. Horizontal acceleration = zero Vertical velocity changes Vertical velocity accelerates at a constant rate (-9.8 m/s/s). Air resistance is ignored.
Horizontal Component of Velocity Once the cannon ball leaves the cannon – what horizontal force acts upon it?
Horizontally Launched Projectiles Projectiles which have NO upward trajectory and NO initial VERTICAL velocity.
Horizontal Component of Velocity Is constant Not accelerated / acceleration = zero Not influenced by gravity WHAT EQUATION DO YOU USE? Follows equation: dx = Vi,xt
Horizontal and Vertical
Vertical Component of Velocity Changes Constant acceleration due to ‘g’ WHAT EQUATION DO YOU USE? Follows equation: dy = ½ at2
Place chairs in rows Take out ALL notes for hw quiz Turn in 5 multiple choice questions into top tray Quiz starts with bell.
Vertical “Velocity” Component NO horizontal component in free fall. Changes (due to gravity), does NOT cover equal displacements in equal time periods. Both the MAGNITUDE and DIRECTION change. As the projectile moves up the MAGNITUDE DECREASES and its direction is UPWARD. As it moves down the MAGNITUDE INCREASES and the direction is DOWNWARD.
Gravity UNABLE to affect horizontal motion of an object Gravity UNABLE to affect horizontal motion of an object. The components are perpendicular to one another.
dx = vxt dy = 0.5gt2 Object Launched Horizontally horizontal vertical vx = initial horizontal velocity dy = initial height above ground t = total time in the air dx = horizontal range IMPORTANT FACTS There is no horizontal acceleration. There is no initial vertical velocity. The horizontal velocity is constant. Time is the same for both vertical and horizontal. horizontal vertical dx = vxt dy = 0.5gt2
Horizontally Launched Projectiles To analyze a projectile in 2 dimensions we need 2 equations. One for the “x” direction and one for the “y” direction. And for this we use kinematic #3. Remember, the velocity is CONSTANT horizontally, so that means the acceleration is ZERO! Remember that since the projectile is launched horizontally, the INITIAL VERTICAL VELOCITY is equal to ZERO.
Combining the Components Together, these components produce what is called a trajectory or path. This path is parabolic in nature. Component Magnitude Direction Horizontal Constant Vertical Changes
Horizontally Launched Projectiles Example: A plane traveling with a horizontal velocity of 100 m/s is 500 m above the ground. At some point the pilot decides to drop some supplies to designated target below. (a) How long is the drop in the air? (b) How far away from point where it was launched will it land? What do I know? What I want to know? vix=100 m/s t = ? y = 500 m d = ? viy= 0 m/s g = -9.8 m/s/s dx = vixt = (100)(10.1) = 1010 m 10.1 seconds
HW – Due block day: Create 5 conceptual concept test questions from the notes. Prepare for quiz - Review relative motion, frame of reference, vectors and projectile motion notes. Complete #1-7
What about launches that occur at an angle?
Vertically Launched Projectiles NO Vertical Velocity at the top of the trajectory. Vertical Velocity decreases on the way upward Vertical Velocity increases on the way down, Horizontal Velocity is constant Component Magnitude Direction Horizontal Constant Vertical Decreases up, 0 @ top, Increases down Changes
Vertically Launched Projectiles Since the projectile was launched at a angle, the velocity MUST be broken into components!!! vo voy q vox
Vertically Launched Projectiles There are several things you must consider when doing these types of projectiles besides using components. If it begins and ends at ground level, the “y” displacement is ZERO: y = 0
Vertically Launched Projectiles You will still use kinematic #3, but YOU MUST use COMPONENTS in the equation. (scratch out the velocity they’ve given to you as soon as you have done this – NEVER use it in word problem again. (unless it is a component given) vo voy q vox
Example A place kicker kicks a football with a velocity of 20.0 m/s and at an angle of 53 degrees. (a) How long is the ball in the air? (b) How far away does it land? (c) How high does it travel? vo=20.0 m/s q = 53
Example 2: What I know What I want to know vox=12.04 m/s t = ? voy=15.97 m/s x = ? y = 0 ymax=? g = - 9.8 m/s/s A place kicker kicks a football with a velocity of 20.0 m/s and at an angle of 53 degrees. (a) How long is the ball in the air? 3.26 s
Example A place kicker kicks a football with a velocity of 20.0 m/s and at an angle of 53 degrees. (b) How far away does it land? What I know What I want to know vox=12.04 m/s t = 3.26 s voy=15.97 m/s x = ? y = 0 ymax=? g = - 9.8 m/s/s 39.24 m
Example 3: What I know What I want to know t = 3.26 s x = 39.24 m vox=12.04 m/s t = 3.26 s voy=15.97 m/s x = 39.24 m y = 0 ymax=? g = - 9.8 m/s/s A place kicker kicks a football with a velocity of 20.0 m/s and at an angle of 53 degrees. (c) How high does it travel? CUT YOUR TIME IN HALF! 13.01 m
YOUR TURN: Complete : Projectile Motion Practice ws with a group or partner. (1-10) HW: Physics Fix 15 (1-5)