IUCN Global Gender Office Strengthening the empirical evidence: Gender inclusive energy policies enabling progress towards the SDGs Enabling equality: tracking gender considerations in energy interventions Ana Rojas Energy Task Manager IUCN Global Gender Office
The Environment and Gender Information (EGI) Platform The EGI aims –through data analysis- to convey the value of gender-responsive environmental conservation and sustainable development. Provides evidence-based information and knowledge products to guide action towards a more just world. Launched in 2013, the EGI has evolved into a source of knowledge creation and dissemination –and for revealing progress and challenges in meeting commitments to women’s empowerment and gender equality in environmental spheres. For more information: http://genderandenvironment.org/egi/
Assessing SEforALL country action documents
The data gap –borrowing a land tenure example
For additional information please visit: Thank you! For additional information please visit: http://genderandenvironment.org/ And our Gender and Renewable Energy (G-REEN) Platform: http://genderandenvironment.org/energy/ Maria Prebble IUCN GECCO maria.prebble@iucn.org mariaprebble Ana Rojas IUCN GECCO anarojas.genen@gmail.com ana_v_rojas