Electrical Circuits are AWESOME! By: Anne Shigley Click the blue POWER button to begin. Click here for audio
Accommodations Throughout this lesson, if you want to hear the slide read to you then just click on the picture of the speaker, like this one. Click on the man with the megaphone to continue!
Welcome Bam! You have arrived at the power-house. You are going to go on a fantastic journey! Are you ready? YES! No!
Great! Youre ready! Lets begin! Click the LIGHTNING to come along on this adventure!
No? Why not? Are you sad?sad Are you mad?mad Are you tired?tired
Okay! Click the picture of the Home button if you would rather be doing something else.
That is too bad! Stay in your seat! You are coming along for an awesome adventure! Click on the school bus!
Lets review! Why do we need power? Lights Refrigerator Television Computer Phones Tools Cameras Cars Airplanes Medical supplies … and so much more! Click next to continue. NEXTNEXT
Where do we get power from? Wires Water Sun Wind Batteries Fruit I can get power from fruit? Lets find out! Click on the lemon to continue.
What do we need to use for safety when dealing with electricity? Safety goggles Rubber gloves Adult helper Click next to continue. NEXTNEXT
What kinds of circuits are there? Circuit – complete path of electric current Closed (complete) Circuit – complete path for electricity to flow Open (incomplete) Circuit – incomplete path that does not allow electricity to flow Parallel Circuit – current flows along multiple paths in the circuit Series circuit – current flows along one path in the circuit Click on the circuit board.
Wait! How can we control all of that electricity? Current – flow of electric charge Insulator – material that prevents the flow of electricity Conductor – material that allows electricity to flow Battery – cells providing electricity Switch – device for opening/closing an electric circuit Resistor – device used in electric circuit to control current Click on the SWITCH to continue.
So, back to that thing about the fruit... Do you think we can get power from fruit? Get your safety goggles on! Click on the goggles to continue on this awesome adventure!
Grab a partner!
Supplies Lemons Paperclips Pennies Wire and clips Cheap watch Adult helper Safety goggles Click on the paper clip to continue!
Will it work? Lets find out! Click on the lemon…
Let us begin the experiment! LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION! …even if your teacher does not look like Ms. Frizzle! After you are finished with your experiment, click on the picture of your teacher!
Done! Click on the picture.
Yay, it is time to write about this! We still have a few more minutes so I want each person to write 1 paragraph on your worksheets (passed out) about what you learned in class today. Remember a paragraph is at least 4 sentences.