1st part of paper due 3/10/06 1” margins, 12 pt type, double spaced, ~ 1-2 pages Geologic Setting Location (generally provide geologic location map) Basic geology: rock units and their distribution Previous Work Focus on structural research May be included in Geologic Setting or be a separate section with its own subheading Reference list Geological Society of America Bulletin format Use RefWorks!
Thrust and Folds
Extension may also occur locally in association with subduction zones
…Or in association with continent-continent collisions, where ‘orogenic collapse’ is one way that mountain systems achieve isostatic equilibrium
Mechanical paradox Thrust movement on low-angle surface with ‘typical’ coefficient of friction of rock requires stresses high enough to break the rock To understand how this motion takes place, we need to think about concepts of displacement, stress, and fault mechanics OLD YOUNG
Three descriptions of mechanical interactions Displacement describes the movement of particles with respect to an external reference frame Deformation can be described by a displacement field Translation Rotation Shape change (distortion) = strain Stress is force per unit area
Stress ≠ strain
Components of Deformation
Three categories of displacement Relative particle motion can be described even if part of the system is fixed in space
Three descriptions of mechanical interactions Displacement describes the movement of particles with respect to an external reference frame Deformation can be described by a displacement field Translation Rotation Shape change (distortion) = strain Stress is force per unit area
Fault movement depends on magnitude of fault perpendicular versus fault parallel forces on fault plane
Classes of forces on rocks Body forces (gravity) depend on amount of material Surface forces are ‘pushes and pulls’ Combination of forces result in deformation where they are unequal in different directions
Normal and shear components of stress Force is a vector quantity Stress is force/unit area, thus is not a vector, since there is area dependence We can, however, ‘decompose’ stress into surface normal and parallel components
Geologic sign conventions