Let’s preference match some jobs! Remember not to yell out the answer! I want everyone to think about the answer before we discuss it!
Sarah, 20-year-old girl My preferences: I prefer working with animals I prefer having a set schedule every week I prefer having only a little interaction with people Job options: Cashier at McDonalds Dog groomer at PetSmart Babysitting
Jason, 18-year-old boy My preferences: I prefer working at the mall where my friends are I would prefer working with food and not clothes I prefer a job where I can talk to people Job options: Work at Forever21 Cashier at Cinnabon Work as a janitor in the mall
Gladys, 65-year-old woman My preferences: I prefer a job where I can meet new people I prefer a job where I can move around I prefer a job where I can sit down I don’t have a preference of working day hours or night hours Job options: Taxi driver Knitting sweaters for chickens Mechanic
Greg, 25-year-old man My preferences: I prefer working with people I prefer working with food I prefer doing the same kind of work everyday Job options: Construction worker Waiter at Buffalo Wild Wings Teacher at a middle school
Ray, 22-year-old-girl My preferences: I prefer a job where I get to see a lot of different cars I prefer only having a little contact with other people I prefer working outside during the day Job options: Working as a secretary Working at Safeway Working at a carwash
Parking lot thoughts
Oliver, 20-year-old man PLT: NAME My preferences: I prefer a job that has to do with bikes I prefer a job where I can work with my hands I prefer a job where I can interact with other people Job options: Making drinks at Starbucks Repairing bikes at a bike shop Working at the bowling alley PLT: NAME What job best matches their job preferences?