2011 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS OF TURKEY United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Revising the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses Şebnem BEŞE CANPOLAT , PhD Head of Demographic Statistics Department TURKSTAT October 29 – November 1, 2013 New York
POPULATION CENSUSES IN TURKEY History First census was in 1927, Second census was in 1935, 5 year-interval censuses, in years ending with (0) and (5) (1935-1990), 10 year-interval censuses, in years ending with (0) (after 1990), Last traditional census was in 2000, Totally 14 traditional population censuses.
TRADITIONAL POPULATION CENSUSES IN TURKEY Methodology Traditional census method (face to face interview), Paper-based questionnaire, De facto population definition, One day application with national curfew.
TRADITIONAL POPULATION CENSUSES IN TURKEY (cont.) Problems Lack of information on usual residence (de jure), Overcounting (imaginary) population, Increasing cost of the census, Duration of data processing around 3.5 years, Limited number of questions due to the one-day application, Information on population size and their characteristics is not available between the census years.
Establishment of Address Based Popution Registration System in 2007 Standardization of addresses Saving public resources ABPRS Carrying out the public services more effectively Updated statistics on population Successful plans and programs in national and regional level
WHAT IS ADDRESS BASED POPULATION REGISTRATION SYSTEM? From National Address Database (NAD) Personal Information from The Central Civil Registration System (MERNIS) ABPRS MATCHED personal information from MERNIS and addresses from NAD by using the Turkish Republic identification numbers
ABPRS Population results refering 31 December based on the new system are announced to the public every year in January. Population by localities (province, district, sub-district and village) Age and sex structure, Internal migrations, Legal marital status, Place of registration, Educational status, Nationality of persons living in Turkey (Turkish citizens and foreigners) All information is available on the web site (www.turkstat.gov.tr)
2011 Population and Housing Census Turkey has conducted a census in 2011 in the scope of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme. Main purpose of conducting a census is to obtain information that are not available in the ABPRS, other administrative registers and that can not be obtained from regular household surveys in province level.
POPULATION CENSUS TOPICS Determination of the Variables and Design of the Questionnaire
2011 PHC Questionnaire was prepared considering: UNECE/Eurostat Recommendations Eurostat Regulations National needs Variables, that cannot obtained from registers Information which can not derived from regular household surveys for provinces Requirements of governmental organizations Demands of local users 22.11.2018
Questionnaires A total of 4 pretest and pilot studies were conducted before the finalization of the questionnaire, data entry programme and field application phases. Two types of questionnaires were used in the field application of the survey: Household Questionnaire Questionnaire for Institutional Places (university dormitories, nursing houses, military barracks, prisons and detention centers, etc.)
Topics Recommended by UN 1. Geographical, internal migration characteristics Topics UN TR Place of usual residence Core ☺ Place where present at time of census - Place of birth Duration of residence - Place of previous residence Place of residence at a specified date in the past Total population Core topic, derived Locality Urban and rural Additional questions : reason for migration 22.11.2018
2. International migration characteristics Topics UN TR Country of birth Core ☺ Citizenship Year or period of arrival Additional topics Reason of migration 1&5 year Ever resided abroad for at least 12 months? Country of previous usual residence abroad (last one) Year of arrival 22.11.2018
3. Household and family characteristics Topics UN TR Relationship to the head or other reference member of household Core ☺ Household and family composition Core topic, derived Household and family status Additional topic 22.11.2018
4. Demographic and social characteristics Topics UN TR Sex Core ☺ Age Marital status Religion Additional topic - Language Ethnicity Indigenous peoples 22.11.2018
5. Fertility and mortality Topics UN TR Children ever born alive Core ☺ Children living Date of birth of last children born alive Births in the past 12 months Core topic, derived Deaths among children born in the past 12 months All core topics were covered For the live births given since January 1, 2005; starting from the last born child, name, sex, date of birth, whether alive or dead, if dead date of death information was collected Additional topics –Age, date or duration of first marriage and age of mother at birth of first child born alive and maternal or paternal orphanhood- were not taken place in the questionniare 22.11.2018
5. Fertility and mortality (cont.) Topics UN TR Age, date or duration of first marriage Additional topic - Age of mother at birth of first child born alive Household deaths in the past 12 months Core ☺ Maternal or paternal orphanhood - 22.11.2018
6. Educational characteristics Topics UN TR Literacy Core ☺ School attendance - Educational attainment Field of education and educational qualifications Additional topic Pre-primary education - 22.11.2018
7. Economic characteristics Topics UN TR Activity status Core ☺ Occupation Industry Status in employment Time worked Additional topic - Income 22.11.2018
7. Economic characteristics (cont.) Topics UN TR Institutional sector of employment Additional topic - Employment in the informal sector Informal employment Place of work ☺ 22.11.2018
8. Disability Characteristics Topics UN TR Disability status Core ☺ Disability questions were formed based on UN led “Washington Group” recommendations . This group develops disability questions for censuses and surveys. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) was used. 22.11.2018
8. Disability Characteristics (cont.) In PHC, 6 functions were questioned : seeing, hearing, speaking walking or climbing stairs, holding or lifting something and learning, doing simple calculations, remembering These set of questions were not enough eligible to determine disabled population. So it is suggested to derive disability statistics not from PHCs, but by special surveys. 22.11.2018
9. Agriculture Not covered Agricultural census National Farm Registry System - frame 22.11.2018
Thank you...
2011 Population And Housing Census (cont.) In this round, Turkey changed the (traditional) census methodology, and at first time; used the population registers, applied a census according to the de jure population definition, conducted a census with the 2-3 month field application instead of one-day application.
Scope of the 2011 PHC Register based large-scaled sampling survey Approximately 2,2 million households were enumerated. Complete enumeration of institutional places (military barracks, university dormitories, nursing homes, prisons, orphanages, etc.) Totally 9 million persons were interviewed. In the field application, Turkish Citizens and foreigners residing in the country were covered.