Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) Jarmo Mäkinen Baltico meeting 2018 Agenda item 16: Names of water areas in the Baltic Sea Status of names and limits of areas of Baltic Sea BSICCWG/BSHC 22.11.2018 Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) Jarmo Mäkinen
Status of Baltic Sea sub-areas in Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission Some background notes form BSHC 2013 Need to update limits and names for cartographic purpose A first proposal for Baltic Sea subareas and names which were presented in Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC) in June 2013. 2014 The BSHC agreed in June 2014 for sub-area names and cartographic boundaries, to be used only on nautical charts (in chart titles tto describe in general what area chart is on). First feedback from BALTICO Sub-area coordinator has been received at same time 2014. 2016 Outcome from BALTICO meeting 2016 have been presented in BSHC 2016 and discussed in BSICCWG (Baltic Sea INT Chart Coordinating WG). Discussions between FMI (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and FTA (Finnish Transport Agency) in 2016. Plans (in Baltico) to ask advice from WMO (World Metereological Organisation). The limits between sub-areas have been originally defined very roughly. A need to have more accurate (detailed) coordinates for the limits between areas. BSICCWG tasked to define exact coordinates for limits 2017 Draft list of exact coordinates for limits between sub-areas in BSICCWG 2017 meeting. Comments from member states recieved. 2018 List of exact coordinates for limits between sub-areas will be presented in BSHC 2018 meeting (August 2018). BSHC= Baltic Sea Hydrograhic Commission BSICCWG= Baltic Sea International Chart Coordination Working Group
Three different levels BSICCWG2, 2-3 April 2014, Helsinki, Finland 22.11.2018
Level 3: (sub-areas with coordinates) 22.11.2018
Level 3: (sub-areas with coordinates) 22.11.2018
Level 3: (sub-areas with coordinates- proposal Latvia) Latvia suggests to move the Middle (Central) Baltic limit southwards to 56°00’N. Limit today is going in the middle of a main harbor in Latvia. 22.11.2018
Level 3: (sub-areas with coordinates 22.11.2018
Level 3: (New southern line of Archipelago Sea) Proposed (FI) new southern line for Archipelago Sea; Hanko (33)-Bengtskär(48)-From Ledskär to South (49)-Flötjan (51)-Näskubben (37) 22.11.2018
Level 3: (sub-areas with coordinates) 22.11.2018
Level 3: Names Diffrences with Forecast areas Discussions of possiblity to change name Middle Baltic to name Central Baltic in level 3. (BSICCWG 2017). -> if will be accepted -> need to create a new name for level 2 (Baltic proper, main Baltic?) Level 2: 22.11.2018
Actions for Baltico meeting 2018 Actions for the Baltico meeting 2018 Note this report To inform BSICCWG chair status of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) approval process for the names/limits. Send any other relevant feedback for BCISSWG Chair. BSHC20_D.2_BSICCG Report 22.11.2018