Effective Implementation of Professional Learning Communities La Grande School District Oregon Data Conference August 2012
Presented by: Larry Glaze Superintendent Mike Berglund School Board Jerry Mayes Title I Coordinator Mike Gregory Elementary Principal Taunya Barnett PLC Leader, 3rd Grade Jillian Chandler 3rd Grade Teacher
Getting Started (First Year) Board Administrators Team Leaders Certified/Classified Staff
Implementing PLC's (Second Year) Calendar Two Year District PLC Leadership Monthly Debriefings District PLC Meetings
Implementing PLC's (Year Two Continued) Board Leadership New Mission Statement: In the La Grande School District we believe every student can learn and deserves a safe, motivating, and challenging school environment. Therefore, it is the mission of the La Grande School District to provide a learning environment where educators work collaboratively to ensure that students maximize their learning. To accomplish this mission we will use best practices and data to ask and answer: · What do we want students to learn? · How will we know what students have learned? · How do we respond when they don’t learn? · How do we respond when they do learn?
Board Leadership (Year Two Continued) Book Reads/Board Meetings PLC Visits in Each Building Board PLC Presentations PLC Stipends for 2012-2013
Implementing PLC's (Year Two Continued) Administrative Leadership Monthly PLC Administrative Meetings Book Reads Monthly PLC Leadership Meetings in Buildings
Celebrating Success! Greenwood Grade 3 PLC
Taking PLC's to the Next Level (Year Three) Stay Focused on Goal of "All Students Learning" Initiative Creep Focused Staff Development Plan for 2012-2013
Greenwood Elementary Planning For High Performing PLC's District Training DuFour Conerence Visit Schools That Are Rockin it! Janel Keating Scheduling Work Sessions Inclusion Training
Non-Negotiables Be on time, Monday 7:45-8:45 Focus on standards- Math Power Standards (CCS?) Follow team norms Team Facilitator Responsibilities: Agenda at least one day before PLC meetings, assign roles for members, use team norms, post and turn in minutes to building administrator by next day
Core and Intervention Blocks Schedule Revamped in May 2011 Planning and Alignment to the Standards Research and Consultation PLC is the "Engine" That Drives Interventions Serves All Students 45-60/30 Accountability for Staff & Students
All Hands on Deck! "Flooding" in Paras and Specialists Intervention Groups Planning During PLC Time Placements Fluid Based on CFA's (Common Formative Assessments) Ongoing Para Training
Inclusion Resource Room Groups Very Large in Previous Years Small Groups Taught By Most Trained Staff Meeting the Individual Needs Based on Data Behavior Has Improved- Office Referrals Down Parents Are Very Pleased!
What Next? Collecting Data- Initial Promising Common Core Integration Parent Involvement and Education Continue to Master PLC, Interventions, Inclusion, PBIS, RTI Continue Time and Focus on Professional Development The PLC Time has Been Critical!!
Without Data, You Are Just Another Person With an Opinion A 3rd Grade Team's Perspective
School Wide Schedule Weekly PLC Time Built In (one hour/week) Daily Core & Intervention Tier III Intervention for Math, Reading, & Behavior
PLC Big Ideas Learning is the Purpose- NOT Teaching A Collaborative Culture is Essential Assessing Results Using Data
Standards and Learning Targets State Standards Identified District Team Created Power Standards Learning Targets Where are they going? How will they get there? "I Can" Statements
PLC Process Collaborative Teams Power Standards Monitor Learning Using CFA's Provide Additional Time for Students Based on Needs
Data Driven Instruction Student Data Example 80/80 Groups Formed Based on Needs PLC Team Variations
3rd Grade Improvement Student & Staff Accountability Purposeful Instruction & Learning OAKS Growth Student Success
La Grande School District Oregon Data Conference August 2012 Questions??? La Grande School District Oregon Data Conference August 2012