Presidential Powers GOVT Notes 4-3
Presidential Powers (Art. II) Domestic Powers: give President authority over what goes on inside the U.S. Powers come from… Constitution Tradition Supreme Court decisions
1. Executive Powers Enforce laws Set priorities (fight crime, promote healthcare) Issue Executive Orders: rule issued by the President that has effect of law (Do not require Congress)
Examples of Executive Orders Video Link
1. Executive Powers B. Appoint federal officials (Cabinet, judges, ambassadors) NEED Senate Approval civil service system: hire and promote people based on qualifications
Obama Cabinet 2009
1. Executive Powers C. Executive Privilege – President may refuse to testify before Congress – Justified under principle of national security Thought,s does this make President above the law??
1. Executive Powers EX: U.S. vs. Nixon (1974) Executive privilege may not be used to withhold evidence needed in criminal proceedings Thought,s does this make President above the law??
2. Legislative Powers Recommends laws State of the Union Address January Economic Report Budget Message Public Appearance or Press Conference January Economic Report (since 1946) Budget Message (since 1921 Budget & Accounting Act)
2. Legislative Powers B. Approves laws Sign bill into law President does nothing for 10 days and Congress stays in session, the bill becomes law January Economic Report (since 1946) Budget Message (since 1921 Budget & Accounting Act)
2. Legislative Powers C. Veto power Send bill back to Congress with objections Need 2/3’s vote of Congress to override veto Less than 10% of vetoes = override Separation of Powers