Research metrics for Academic Promotion Academic Promotion round 2018 (new framework only) 22/11/2018
Introduction In 2018, those academics applying for promotion under the new framework will need to address new performance metrics for both Research and Teaching. These allow for greater nuance and accuracy in how academics frame their achievements in the context of their discipline and individual practice. Both quantitative and qualitative evidence may be drawn upon to address the criteria in all domains All evidence should support claims of impact and achievement Both quantitative and qualitative evidence should build a case for promotion potential For Research, minimum quantitative metrics (Outputs, Income and HDR completions) are set by academic level, research load and discipline cluster 22/11/2018
Recognising Research Excellence The former RMIT Academic Expectations framework is being replaced by an approach to research excellence that: Recognises research performance as an intrinsic part of academic life (except for teaching only academics) Recognises that a broad range of research expertise is valid, and that different people can specialise legitimately in different research arenas Shifts to quality as a key measure of research excellence Acknowledges the team orientation of research excellence, rather than wholly individual measures Accommodates a wide diversity of excellence measures and their relative importance across different discipline and sub-discipline contexts Takes account of the differences in research practice and funding conditions between disciplines or disciplines clusters. 22/11/2018
Discipline Clusters The new quantitative metrics for Research have been developed in response to feedback about the need for discipline variation There are benchmarks for 7 new discipline clusters: Business Creative Arts/Design Humanities Social Sciences Engineering Natural and Biomedical Sciences Mathematical and Health Sciences Benchmarks are set by academic level and research workload allocation 22/11/2018
Research Metrics
NEW Research metrics - Business Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs * Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 0.33 50% 0.67 ≥85% 1 B 2 5 ≥3 ≥10 ≥0.33 C 10 3 25 ≥4 ≥40 ≥1.00 D 4 40 ≥5 ≥70 ≥1.33 E 70 1.33 ≥6 ≥100 ≥1.67 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics - Creative Arts/Design Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 50% 0.33 ≥85% 0.67 B 1 2 7.5 ≥3 15 ≥0.33 C 3 ≥4 ≥20 ≥1.00 D 5 20 ≥6 ≥35 ≥1.33 E 6 35 1.33 ≥7 ≥50 ≥1.67 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics - Humanities Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 0.33 50% 0.67 ≥85% 1 B 2 10 ≥3 ≥25 ≥0.33 C 3 25 ≥4 ≥40 ≥1.00 D 5 40 ≥6 ≥70 ≥1.33 E 6 70 1.33 ≥7 ≥100 ≥1.67 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics - Social Sciences Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 0.33 50% 0.67 ≥85% 1 B 10 2 25 ≥3 ≥40 ≥0.33 C 3 40 ≥4 ≥70 ≥0.67 D 5 70 ≥6 ≥100 ≥1.33 E 6 100 1.33 ≥7 ≥150 ≥1.67 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics - Engineering Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 1 50% 2 ≥85% >2 B 10 3 25 0 – 1 ≥3 40 C 20 0.5 – 1 4 0.75 – 1 5 65 1 – 1.5 D 50 >5 75 >6 ≥150 ≥1.5 E 100 1.5 – 2 6 150 >8 ≥300 ≥2 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics– Natural and Biomedical Sciences Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 1 50% 2 ≥85% >2 B 10 3 25 0 – 1 ≥3 40 C 30 0.5 – 1 4 50 0.75 – 1 5 75 1 – 1.5 D >5 >6 ≥150 ≥1.5 E 100 1.5 – 2 6 150 >9 ≥300 ≥2 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
NEW Research metrics – Mathematical and Health Sciences Academic level Research Workload Allocation Average Annual ERA eligible Research Outputs Average Annual Research Income $K Average Annual HDR Completions A 30% 1 50% 2 ≥85% >2 B 10 3 25 0 – 1 ≥4 40 C 0.5 – 1 4 0.75 – 1 5 >70 1 – 1.5 D >5 70 >6 ≥100 ≥1.5 E 1.5 – 2 6 100 >7 ≥200 ≥2 * The quality of research outputs will be taken into account in a way that reflects both standardised benchmarks on research quality, improvements over time and contextual factors.
Inclusions in Research Report
Research Outputs Research Outputs are counted if they meet the ERA definition of a research output for Books, Book chapters, Journals, and Non-traditional Research outputs. Conference papers are excluded Research Outputs are a per annum, weighted amount averaged over the three previous full calendar years Research Outputs are counted in a year if they are recorded in RMIT databases as being published in that year Books are weighted as 5. All other research outputs are weighted as 1 Research outputs listed as “eligible” and “pending” are included Research outputs are excluded if they do not have an RMIT affiliation or of they were authored when the applicant was a student 22/11/2018
Research Output Quality A quality rating of percentage of journal articles in journals rated as Quartile 1 in SCIMAGO is included regardless of the discipline that applicants intend to use in their promotion application The SCIMAGO rating is as at the most recent rating available, not at the time of publication, and will be the highest rating available for each journal 22/11/2018
Example Report (page 1 of 3) 22/11/2018
Research Income Research Income is a per annum amount averaged over the three previous full calendar years Income is counted in a year if it is contracted with an expected invoice during that year Research Income is the full amount of the invoiced value. i.e. the number of CIs has no impact on the metric For projects shared with other universities, research income is included if it is RMIT’s net share. i.e. income received by other universities is not included 22/11/2018
Example Report (page 2 of 3) 22/11/2018
HDR completions Higher Degree Student (HDR) Completions are counted if the applicant was actively supervising the student at time of completion HDR Completions are a per annum, weighted amount averaged over the three previous full calendar years HDR Completions are counted in a year if the student completes all administrative tasks in that year, including archival deposit Masters and PhD completions are each counted as 1 Associate Supervisions are counted as 1 22/11/2018
Example Report (page 3 of 3) 22/11/2018
What to do if your Research Report Data is incomplete or incorrect Checking and changing data as early as possible minimises the chances of inaccurate data and resubmission during the application process Report missing research outputs: Visit this webpage for information: Correcting information about research outputs: Correcting/adding external research project income data: Correcting /adding HDR supervision and completions: Visit the School of Graduate Research webpage for information 22/11/2018
Research Quality - Performance Expectations as Excellence Measures
Research Expectations – Level C Recognition as a current authority within a discipline or inter-disciplinary field; A current and active record of original, peer reviewed, high quality outputs in high-ranking journals and other outlets; A significant contribution to discipline-based research relative to opportunity and workload allocation, relative to opportunity and workload; Successful track record of HDR supervision; External grants (Category 1, 2, 3) individually and as part of teams with more senior colleagues; Developing research leadership through organising internal/external seminars/networks/workshops, mentoring more junior staff and external peer reviews and other leadership roles for the wider academy; An active media presence. 22/11/2018
Research Expectations – Level D In addition to Level C Recognition as a major authority within a disciplinary or inter-disciplinary field, regularly called upon for their expertise, and with a considerable and current record of original, peer reviewed, high quality outputs in high-ranking journals or other outlets; Prestigious competitive external grants (Category 1 or equivalent) in addition to Category 2, 3 and 4 grants/contracts as a Lead Investigator; Mentoring of more junior colleagues and their involvement in projects as co- investigators; Active advocacy for the highest standards of research integrity and ethics practices; Active engagement in establishing and deepening long term partnerships. 22/11/2018
Research Expectations – Level E In addition to Level D Recognition as a leading authority by making regular and globally significant intellectual contributions to a discipline or inter-disciplinary field; A major and current record of innovative and distinguished peer reviewed outputs including in prestigious high-ranking outlets; A well-established and active media presence, recognition as a go-to expert for leading stakeholders and regular requests for leadership roles; Awards for and leadership of multiple prestigious competitive grants (Category 1 or equivalent) and other major externally funded research projects/teams, together with successful HDR/Post-doctoral supervisions; Active research mentorship and leadership within RMIT, nationally and globally, as evidenced by academic service to the leadership of their discipline/interdisciplinary field; Participation in activities designed to deliver impact and service beyond the academy; Recognition as an exemplar knowledge creator and public advocate, projecting and enacting the aspirations of RMIT to the world, and advancing RMITs reputation in integrity, ethical scholarship and research excellence. 22/11/2018
Research Quality - Output Expectations as Excellence Measures
The shift to quality as a key measure of research excellence As part of research practice, all research active staff must produce significant research outputs in the highest quality journals, publications and other outlets recognised by peers as among the very highest quality for that field of research/ discipline cluster As standard, your Research report will include publications classified as 1st Quartile by Scimago. If a different quality standard is more appropriate to your discipline, you should provide evidence about this in your application through your narrative 22/11/2018
% and number of research outputs in first quartile of quality Level Research Workload Allocation CoB DSC – Creative Art/Design DSC – Humanities DSC – Social Sciences SEH - Engineering SEH - Natural and Biomedical Sciences SHE - Mathematical and Health Sciences A 30% - 50% 50% 1 ≥85% B 50% 1 50% 1 50% 1 33% 1 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% 2 66% >2 50% >2 C 50% 2 75% 3 75% 3 75% 3 75% 3 60% 3 D 80% 4 80% 4 80% 4 66% 4 E 60% 3 66% 4 83% 5 80% 5 80% 5 80% 5 75% 6 66% 6 71% 6