SIS Modernization project Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success November 20, 2013
Implementation Team Administrative Oversight: The SIS project is a joint project managed by both the Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Division and Information Technology Division at LACCD Administrative Oversight: Ms. Bobbi Kimble, Interim Vice Chancellor of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Mr. Jorge Mata, Chief Information Officer Implementation Team Consists of Three Leads: Mr. Chris Nersisyan, IT Project Manager for LACCD Mrs. Betsy Regalado, Lead Functional Administrator for SIS Project, LACCD Mr. Joey Harpst, Project Manager, Ciber
What is the Student Information System? The SIS is a vital tool in delivering student services while at the same time supporting teaching and learning. It is an electronic system that: Creates the schedule of classes; Provides transcripts; Manages the financial aid process; Links faculty assignments to the courses they teach; Records grades; Calculates a student’s GPA; Serves as a data source for MIS, accreditation, AtD, SLO ; Manages student fees; And much more
Current Status: Phases of the project Discovery (Complete) Configuration(In-progress) Testing Training Go-live
Current Status: FIT GAP ANALYSIS SESSIONS February 19 through April 23, 2013 40 Sessions 27 Departments & 150 Unduplicated Employees
Current status: Communication Plan Monthly Newsletters SharePoint Collaboration hosted on district server On-going in-person presentation at the various district committees College Roadshows
Original Deployment options RFP proposed plan was to use two beta campuses Pierce College Valley College In year two , the SIS will be deployed at the remaining 7 colleges At the conclusion of the Discovery Phase of the Project , the management team revisited the deployment plan and now is considering a pilot by module roll-out instead.
Change Initiative: Original deployment Plan rationale Reduce Project Risk Prevent repeat of SAP implementation issues Prevent “Big-Bang” deployment Be able to conduct a thorough test of a complete system before all campuses Go Live.
Change initiative: Original Deployment timeline Project Schedule
Change Initiative: Recommended Deployment Rationale Module-by-Module - across all nine colleges Prevents a BIG BANG roll-out Based on student enrollment life -cycle
Admissions Progress Timeline
Student Records Progress Timeline
Financial Aid Progress Timeline
Student Financials Progress Timeline
Enterprise Portal Progress Timeline
Change initiative: Comparisons Advantage What’s different Ease of maintenance Standardized business processes Regulatory compliance MIS and “320” Reporting Minimized duplication Data between PeopleSoft and DEC remains consistent Implementation Go-Live once Resolves enrollment issues Current plan deploys two beta campuses in year one and remaining seven in year two Future Plan would deploy all nine colleges at one time in a phased deployment Mitigation strategy wouldn’t extend beyond the original project timeline
Deployment Plan Change Rationale Original RFP assumption was that LACCD operated as nine separate, independent colleges and the original configuration design considered was multi-institution. After the technical analysis was completed, it became apparent how much the Colleges share data and are tightly coupled ESC would need to increase its support staff to maintain the multiple solutions. Self Service issues with students having to switch back and forth between legacy and new system if they attend both pilot and non-pilot colleges Essentially running two SIS systems in same organization, integrity of MIS and 320 reporting would be compromised
Consultation – supporting groups New module deployment plan was vetted and supported by the following district-wide committees: Business functional users Student Affairs Council AFT College Staff Guild District Academic Senate Execute Council Operational Steering Committee SIS Policy Advisory Committee Senior Management President Cabinet Interim Chancellor
Change initiative: action items Amend Implementation Agreement Project Team & Legal Counsel Approve Amended Implementation Agreement Board of Trustees
Projected Plans: continued configuration Weekly Configuration Meetings with Functional Users Monthly Configuration Review Meetings Data Conversion and Validation Design and Development of required in-scope customization Development of the Marketing and Communication Plan
Projected Plans: Student AND Faculty Involvement Student and Faculty Focus Groups: Feedback on system and navigation Feedback on the enterprise portal Feedback on mobile device access and ease Assist with Marketing Campaign