Exciting & Dangerous journey! Easter has Come and Gone… Now What? God calls us to an Exciting & Dangerous journey!
Equipment for Victory: —Truth - Belt —Righteousness - Breastplate —Salvation - Helmet —Weapons - Faith & Word —Shoes - Spread Good News!
Who Would Have Imagined Tuesday, 11 Sept 2001 8:00 AM Who Would Have Imagined a Team of Unlikely Heroes?
Todd Beamer Contemporary Bold Leader “Let’s Roll”
DEBORAH the BOLD LEADER! Judges 4: 1 - 21
Three Unlikely Heroes… An account of God bringing together Three Unlikely Heroes… Deborah, Barak & Jael!
God often Uses Unlikely People and Uncommon Ways to Accomplish His Purpose!
Deborah “Queen Bee” Judge & Prophetess
Barak “Lightning” Jewish General of 10,000 men
“If you go with me, then I will go… if not, I will not go!” Barak Reluctant Hero “If you go with me, then I will go… if not, I will not go!”
Barak & Deborah Face Sisera’s Army of 900 Iron Chariots in Kishon Valley
“Up! This is the Day when the Lord WILL deliver Sisera” Deborah’s Bold Faith “Up! This is the Day when the Lord WILL deliver Sisera” Judges 4: 14
Kill Canaanites’ Commander, Sisera Jael, Heber’s Wife Used a Tent Peg to Kill Canaanites’ Commander, Sisera Judges 4: 21
God often Uses Unlikely People and Uncommon Ways to Accomplish His Purpose!
God often Uses Unlikely People and Uncommon Ways to Accomplish His Purpose!
God is capable of making anyone into an First lesson: God is capable of making anyone into an “Unlikely Hero”!
God INVITES Us to join Him… we still have the choice to say YES! Second lesson: God INVITES Us to join Him… we still have the choice to say YES!
Third lesson: Utilize whatever God has ALREADY Provided to You!
Fourth lesson: TRUST GOD for the RESULTS!
Accomplish His Purpose; God often Uses Unlikely People to Accomplish His Purpose; Am I Willing to BE One?