“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.”
Glenda Roberts- Director of Care Services
Sue Hollingworth- Named Nurse
Michelle Rivarno – Key Worker
Martha Trust – Frances House
Aims Why Martha Trust wanted to change the way we support people Discuss why we chose Person Centred Active Support to guide that change Demonstrate how this has impacted on the individuals we support and the team and how it has improved quality of care.
History Hotel model of support Institutional care
Individuals do not participate in typical daily activities Catering, laundry and domestic services provided
An Ordinary Life Is full of engagement: Being occupied or being part of an activity Doing something constructive with equipment or materials Interacting with people Taking part in a group activity
Person Centred Active Support What is it?
Essentials Every moment has potential Little and often Graded assistance to ensure success Maximising choice and control
Staff Comments Residents are able to learn new skills Learning how much residents are able to do for themselves Instead of doing things on my own the clients now help me and it is a pleasure for all
Staff now think about the impact on residents and how disabling it can be when they are not engaged Given time I am amazed what the residents can do for themselves Residents now have independence in areas of their own lives
Residents now are involved in their own lives rather than staff doing it for them Daily activities have meaning They live it themselves through engagement opportunity and appropriate support
Reflection ? Think about a situation where quality of care has been compromised due to the assumptions of the people delivering the care about the abilities or capability of the individual they are supporting
? Do you know or a service or person who would benefit from Person Centred Active Support?
? Do you want to know more about Person Centred Active Support? Do you know where to get it
Any Questions
The End