Bell Ringer: Translate the sentences I am tired. Jasmine is sad and anxious. The backpack is beside the desk. The cup (el vaso) is dirty. The students are happy. The books are closed. The papers are underneath the door.
Bell Ringer: Translate the questions then answer Do you study Spanish? Does Dr. Preston write reports (informes)? [Yes] Does Mr. Johnson open the store (la tienda) today? [No] Do they drink orange juice(jugo de naranja)? [No] Do you live in Waynesboro? Does Mrs. Powell read books? [Yes]
Bell Ringer: Translate the sentences The book is on top of the desk. The books are open. Kayla is behind Sarah. The papers are beside the door. Sasha and Malia are in front of Michelle. The bathroom (el baño) is dirty.
Tener + expressions
Tener To Have
To be ___ years old (To have ___ many years) Tener ___ años To be ___ years old (To have ___ many years)
Tener calor To be hot
Tener cuidado To be careful
Tener frío To be cold
Tener hambre To be hungry
To be afraid of something Tener miedo de To be afraid of something
Tener prisa To be in a hurry
Tener sed To be thirsty
Tener sueño To be sleepy
Tener suerte To have luck/ Be lucky
*Tener que [infinitive] To have to do something
*Tener ganas de [infinitive] To feel like doing something
Read the sentence and use the correct vocabulary word I haven’t eaten since 6:45am! :( My alarm didn’t go off! I can’t be late to school again! I just won the $200 million lottery!! YAY! I ran 2 miles today! My mouth is dry! Oh my God! It’s a flying cockroach! Oh no! The heat is broken and it’s snowing outside!
Read the sentence and use the correct vocabulary word The floor is slippery, WATCH OUT! It’s my birthday today! I’m turning 21! :) I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. Oh my God! The high for today is 99°! I have to study for my test tomorrow. I feel like going to the movies this weekend.