Promising Practices for LGBTQ Mental Health PEI CRDP LGBTQ TA Center May 31, 2018 Ken Einhaus, Co-Director
LGBTQ Pilot Projects Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity Gender Health Center Gender Spectrum On The Move Openhouse San Francisco Community Health Center San Joaquin Pride Center
Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity Bakersfield Reducing Isolation through Support and Empowerment (RISE) Priority Populations: Marginalized rural LGBTQ populations, especially transgender and/or bisexual Rural LGBTQ+ youth Core Components: Workshops 1:1 Support Social and educational activities at the Center Outreach and training of LGBTQ community members Outreach/trainings with larger community Outreach/trainings with providers
Gender Health Center Sacramento Priority Populations: Transgender and Gender Non-conforming (TGN) People in relationships with TGN Core Components: Queer-Informed Narrative Therapy sessions administered by a culturally competent mental health provider Mental health provider intern training Community building social and recreational programming Other Services Provided: Hormone clinic, three peer support groups, legal assistance, name and gender change, Covered California outreach and education, economic empowerment
Gender Spectrum Statewide Priority Populations: Gender expansive children Transgender children LGBTQ youth All youth Core Components: Train educators and students to affirm gender diversity and increase school connection Foundations of Gender (2.5 - 3 hour all school trainings) Inclusive Schools Network (1 year with train-the-trainers)
On The Move Napa OASIS Model Priority Populations: Core Components: Youth aged 14 - 24 Core Components: Connections to peers and appropriate resources Youth-led advocacy projects Youth leadership development Youth-informed workplace/provider trainings
Openhouse San Francisco Priority Populations: LGBTQ Older Adults Core Components: Friendly visitor program Emotional support program individual intervention Emotional support program in a group setting Social engagement and recreational programming
San Francisco Community Health Center San Francisco Let’s Connect Priority Populations: Transgender LGBTQ+ Transition-Aged Youth (TAY) Core Components: 8 2-Hour Sessions (themed) 2 Half-Day Workshops (sharing stories) Delivery within wrap around drop-in centers, with basic needs Medical interventions via drop in Mental health interventions via drop in Social support / case management via drop in Peer/group skills building via drop in
San Joaquin Pride Center Stockton Cultivating Acceptance Program (CAP) Priority Populations: LGBTQ+ middle and high school students Core Components: Positive school environment Youth empowerment program Accepting families Culturally competent mental health services
Need additional information? NITT-TA Center: A Guide to Collaboration in Complex Systems Jan, 27, 2015 Need additional information? Contact the LGBTQ-TA Center Daniel Toleran, MS 707-568-3800 x217 Ken Einhaus 707-568-3800 x208 required