Presented by: Corinna Evett What’s Going on at SCC Presented by: Corinna Evett
Purpose of Accreditation What do you believe to be the purpose of accreditation? To provide assurance to the public that education provided by institutions meets acceptable levels of quality To promote continuous institutional improvement To maintain the high quality of higher education institutions in the region/nation
ACCJC Encourages and Supports Institutional Development How do you think that the ACCJC might encourage and support Institutional development? Through establishing standards of quality based upon excellent practices in higher education Through evaluating institutions with these standards using a three-part, peer review process that entails Institutional self evaluation (internal) External review Commission review
Process Participants Who participates in the accreditation process? Faculty Administration Classified staff Students
Faculty Participation What role do faculty play in the accreditation process? Representation on committees Writing the report Validating the accuracy of the report from the student perspective Meeting with Accreditation team visitors
When accreditation works well... Every constituency is involved The college does a rigorous and honest self evaluation Courses and programs are reviewed for usefulness and currency Student pathways are reviewed Budgeting, planning, and revenue allocation processes are examined
The Accreditation Standards Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services Standard III: Resources Standard IV: Leadership and Governance Standards have undergone another revision First reading took place in January 2014 Input on the revisions is invited through 30 April 2014 We may want to discuss this in our Steering Committees
Any Issues? Please share any issues with accreditation that you identified during your table chats.
SAC’s Process: Now
SCC’s Process: Now Current Accreditation Steering Committee Structure Four Accreditation Co-chairs: Academic Senate President Curriculum & Instruction Council Chair Assistant Dean of IE&A VP Academic Affairs Comprehensive Representation Standard tri/quad chairs Review and affirm final draft of Self Evaluation Standard Committees Write to the standards Collect evidence
SCC’s Process: Later Proposed Future Accreditation Committee and Steering Committee Structure Revise collegial governance committees to: Include accreditation related items in committee responsibilities Discuss standards each year Create and submit outlines and evidence to Accreditation Co-chairs Accreditation Co-chairs monitor submissions and post information on Sharepoint Allows for accreditation related/inspired college wide discussions year round Hopefully, alleviates the mad rush to compile evidence and write to the standard a year and a half before the next Self Evaluation
Joint Senate/District Issues Common Curriculum Prerequisite Process Administrative Regulations Board Policies ARs and BPs as Topics of Discussion Administrative Recruitment and Employment Regulations— AR4102.4 AR 9025 & BP 6620—Naming District Properties and Facilities BP 3570 Smoking on Campus
Planning and Organizational Effectiveness (POE) Committee Responsibilities RSCCD Comprehensive Master Plan and the RSCCD Strategic Plan Keep District Planning on course with the RSCCD Planning Design Manual Lead coordination of district and college planning activities Prepare annual Progressive Report on RSCCD Comprehensive Master Plan Coordinate accreditation activities between colleges and District Services including the delineation of District/College Functions Review institutional research activities and results as well as resource development activities (grants) What we’re discussing now. . .
Have a Stupendous Spring!