Pre-Registration Grades 9-11 Spring 2018
From the Georgetown HS Counseling Office School Counselors Trish Cook, A-Hem Shannon Henson, Hen-M (Lead) Chailleen Gilly, N-Z Laura Lake, Grade 9 Crisis/Intervention Counselors Ali Knudsen Tishna Rollo Administrative Assistant Monica Martinez College and Career Center Sam McCutchen
Pre-Registration Activities January/ Students receive registration February: information January: Parent Night Presentation February: Course Selection Forms due back to English Teachers by February 9th February: Individual student meetings Late Spring: Students receive course verification sheets to review course choices
High School Course Catalog The following presentation references the GISD High School Course Catalog which is available online at Students should read course descriptions to gain greater understanding of the courses they want to take. Complete information regarding pre-registration is available on the GHS Counselors’ page of the Georgetown HS website.
Your key to successful course selection Course Choice Sheet Your key to successful course selection
Core/Academic Courses Course Choice #1-4 State-mandated curriculum (TEKS-based curriculum) Mastery of the TEKS curriculum is measured by performance of state-mandated STAAR assessments.
Course Choice #5-8: Electives (Below are the remaining graduation requirements) □ 1.0 P.E.-Athletics, Foundations of P.E., Dance, NJROTC, Marching Band (Fall only) □ 1.0 Fine Arts -Band, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre, Technical Theatre, Choir, Floral Design □ .5 Health □ 2.0 LOTE □ Electives
Additional classes ACC Classes - Choose either Core, AP, or ACC for your Social Studies and English selections on the Course Selection Sheet. PALS/Peer Buddies/Office Aide- Complete an application. Students’ schedules will be changed to these classes once they have been accepted into the class (mid-may). Do not write on your selection sheet. If you are accepted, you will be notified. PALS – juniors/seniors; Office Aide – seniors only.
Pre-AP Courses Parents should review the Georgetown ISD Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP)/Advanced Placement (AP) Guidelines document to make an informed decision about placement for their child. After careful review of the indicators of success, if a student meets the characteristics listed, advanced coursework is recommended. Students who enroll in Pre-AP/AP courses will be required to adhere to the Georgetown ISD Pre-AP/AP Course Commitment including the Petition for Pre-AP/AP Course Exit.
NEW Pre-AP/AP Guidelines Petition for Pre-AP/AP Course Exit To ensure that students allow sufficient time to become acclimated to the courses and what the Pre-AP/AP curriculum can offer, Georgetown ISD expects that any student who enrolls in a Pre-AP/AP course has between the first and second progress report to make a schedule change. After this period of time allowed for a schedule change, students will remain in the course until mid-year.
Gifted/Talented Services For identified Gifted/Talented students, the appropriate course selection is Pre-AP/AP. Teachers of G/T students are appropriately trained. Opportunities to qualify for G/T are available annually. Students who enroll in G/T courses will be required to adhere to the Georgetown ISD Pre-AP/AP Course Commitment including the Petition for Pre-AP/AP Course Exit.
Course Selection & Course Verification Parents who want to make changes to their child’s course requests after the student meets with his/her counselor will need to wait until the course verification process in the spring. Schools will not make any changes requested after the due date and before the course verification process. You will receive a course verification form later this spring. At that time, you may make changes to your child’s course requests, sign it, and then return the form. We want all changes completed in writing with a parent signature during the course verification process.
Fall Schedule Change Policies Requests for schedule changes will be approved for the following reasons only: 1. Error in schedule (This will be confirmed by counselors and the course verification form. If the course verification form was not returned, this request will be denied.) 2. Student failure in prerequisite course 3. Change in program/level (athletics, band, choir, orchestra, etc.)
Dual Credit or Advanced Placement? College credit opportunities in high school
AP Classes Taught by GHS Teachers College level curriculum Students take exam in May (costs about $90)-can earn credit with a passing score (3, 4, 5 – score and credit earned varies by college) Weighted points for GPA AP Credit Policies by College:
Dual Credit Classes Taught by ACC Professors College level curriculum Can take 2 classes per semester starting summer after sophomore year (up to 8 classes = 24 college credits) Students earn credit at Texas Public Colleges by passing Weighted points for GPA (Highest grade a student can receive is a 95%, A=95, B=85, etc) Students must pay for textbooks FERPA- Grades are not available for GHS or for parents, only students have access to grades
Comparison of AP and Dual Credit Dual Credit (ACC) How do I enroll? Sign up for class during registration and register for exam in March/April Complete 5 step registration process and see counselor when completed How does it effect my GPA? Weighted GPA-Grade earned is grade transcribed Weighted GPA-Letter grade is assigned A = 95 B = 85 What if I fail? Students have the opportunity to move to a core class between the 3rd and 6th weeks’ grading period if they are not being successful. Students must drop the class by the ACC withdrawal date and retake class at GHS. What are the costs? Class is free-each exam is about $90 Class at GHS Campus is free-students must pay for textbooks How do I find out if it will transfer? Search “ACC University Transfer and Equivalency Guide”
ACC/Dual Credit Courses GRADE 11 GRADE 12 ACC Course HS Course English 1301 English 3A British Literature English 4A and B Speech 1311 Professional Communications Government 2305 US Government English 1302 English 3B US History 1301 Advanced Social Studies US History 1302 US History Economics
REMIND 101 Stay connected with the counseling center in a safe manner. Get information and reminders via one-way text. Join us!!! Text: @912ghs to: 81010