Allowed Course Substitutions CSE Dept. / Dallas County Community College District Catalogs: UTA 2008-2009 DCCCD 2008-2009 (Revised: 06.13.2008) General Education (25 hrs) MATH 1316 (MATH 1303) (MATH 1302) MATH 1314 (CHEM 1300) (MATH 1425) (CSE 1310) ( ) Leveling courses CSE1320 Readiness Exam @ UTA CHEM 1411 CHEM 1441 # Prerequisite Corequisite MATH 1426 MATH 2513 PHYS 2425 PHYS 1443 MATH 2425 MATH 2414 ENGL 1301 ENGL 1301 # PHYS 2426 PHYS 1444 MATH 2326 MATH 2315 ENGL 1302 ENGL 1302 # Pre-professional Division Professional Division # Must be passed before being admitted into the Professional Division MATH 3319 (any soph lit) 3 hrs. Literature ( MATH 2320 + MATH 3330 @ UTA as math elective ) HIST 1301 HIST 1311 HIST 1302 HIST 1312 A course shown in bold is taught in the Dallas County Community College District and is an approved substitute for the required course at UTA. POLS 2311 POLS 2312 GOVT 2301 GOVT 2302 May also be required: Foreign language (2 semesters of the same language)