Developmental Education Athens Technical College Presenter: Dr. Alysen Heil, Math Coordinator/Instructor
Goal 1: Assist all students who are academically underprepared to: Successfully complete developmental education Enroll in a credit-bearing program of study Persist to graduation
Developmental English and Reading Interventions The most significant way that our reform work has transformed the way students experience college at Athens Technical College is through our developmental education redesign. Students required to take developmental course work now have more options for completing that work more quickly and taking their program coursework sooner as outlined in the chart below.
Developmental English and Reading Interventions Increase success in ENGL 1101: Mentor an English adjunct to teach ENGL 0099 so that alternative times can be available in the fall. (Spring 2016). Open ENGL 1101 registration for ENGL 0099 students to any ENGL 1101 (similar to the READ/ARTS process). (Fall and Spring 2017). Measure results in ENGL 1101 of students who completed ENGL 0989 and then took ENGL 1101 against students who took ENGL 0099 and ENGL 1101simultaneously (End of Spring 2017). FUTURE GOAL: If successful, mentor more faculty and open more ENGL 0099 sections. Increase success in all ENGL courses: List READ 0097 as a pre-requisite for ENGL 0989 (Summer 2016). Track completion rates of students in ENGL 0989 who had READ 0097 and those who did not (End of Spring 2017). FUTURE GOAL: Consider making READ 0097 a prerequisite to MATH.
Developmental Math Interventions The most significant way that our reform work has transformed the students experience college at Athens Technical College is through our developmental education redesign. We redesigned our developmental math sections to utilize the emporium model, and went to scale in fall 2012. In spring 2015, we added an ALP math course to allow students to complete their associate degree math requirement in one semester.
Contacts English: Alan Wheeler – Reading: Michelle Ritter – Math: Alysen Heil –